课题组在JCR力学一区期刊“Int. J. Mech. Sci.”发表论文
发布时间: 2019-03-03   浏览次数: 2192

2019年3月,课题组硕士生郑晨一以第一作者身份在JCR力学一区期刊“International Journal of Mechanical Sciences”152卷(2019)发表题为“Reducing stress concentrations in unidirectionally tensioned thick-walled spheres through embedding a functionally graded reinforcement的研究论文,谨致热烈祝贺!论文官方网页和摘要如下。




This work aims to investigate the effects of a radially graded sphere on the reduction of stress concentrations in homogeneous hollow spheres. Both hydrostatic boundary pressures and a uniaxial outer tension are considered. For the spherically symmetric loading, closed-form solutions were successfully developed by assuming a power- law gradation in shear modulus and a constant Poisson’s ratio. For the case of uniaxial tension, the problem is tackled by discretizing the graded sphere into a number of homogeneous sublayers and by solving a simultaneous system about the series coefficients in Boussinesq displacement potentials. The sensitivity of the semianalytical solutions on the number of discretized sublayers is first assessed. Stress distributions and concentration factors are subsequently evaluated for a representative geometry and a few power-law gradation indices. Optimal indices are also identified, for which the stress concentration factors at the inner surface of the graded reinforcement sphere and the reinforcement/matrix interface become well balanced. Wherever possible, finite element solutions are also presented for the purpose of verification and validation. When the outer radius of the homogeneous hollow sphere is beyond four times that of its inner surface, the solutions well approximate the limiting case of an infinite matrix. Both the semianalytical and finite element solutions suggest the promising means of tailoring stress concentrations in thick-walled spheres through internally coating a thin layer of graded reinforcement.


Functionally graded coating; Stress concentration; Thick-walled spheres; Method of displacement potentials; Finite element modeling