翟 钱



(1)    非饱和土土体工程性质基础研究

(2)    浅层边坡失稳评估及治理

(3)    特殊地质条件下基础承载机性能研究

(4)    智慧岩土相关微型软件开发






2001-2005 东南大学 土木工程学院 工学学士

2009-2010 新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU, Singapore) 土木与环境学院 工学硕士

2010-2016 新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU, Singapore) 土木与环境学院 哲学博士

2016-2018 新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU, Singapore) 土木与环境学院 博士后

  • 《International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering》编委






  • 《工程地质实习》思政教改项目

  • 《基础工程》全英文联合教学

  • 《非饱和土力学基本原理》全英文联合教学



35,  Zhai Q, Zhu YY, Rahardjo H,  Satyanaga A, Dai GL, Gong WM, Zhao XL and Ou YZ (2023)  “Prediction of the soil-water characteristic curves for the fine-grained soils with different initial void ratios”  Acta Geotechnica, (accepted).

34,  Li XB, Shen TL, Xiang K, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A and Wang SJ (2023)  “Effect of the wetting hydraulic property of soil on 1-D water infiltration”  Sustainability, 15, 1822.

33,  Zhai Q, Zhu YY, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Dai GL, Gong WM, Zhao XL (2023) “Mathematical model forthedetermination ofthepre consolidation pressure using thegraphical method” Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2023) 16:69.

32, Chen Z, Ji P, Zhai Q, Li MJ, Zheng ZP and ShenTL (2022) “A Field Study of Soil Plugging of Jacked Pile and Its Effect on the Pile Resistance” Sustainability, 14(24): 16598.

31,  Chen SG, Li H, He JC, Li ZW, Tao J, and Zhai Q. (2022) “ Uncertainty in the stability for excavated surface during the cutter replacement in tunneling construction” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 3381003.

30Liu Y, Tian G, Wang SJ,  Satyanaga A,  Zhai Q (2022) “Parametric analysis of rainfall-induced loess soil slope due to the rainwater infiltration” Urban Science, 6, 54: 1-11.

29, Tang L, Tian G, Dai GL, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, and Satyanaga A (2022) “Effect of threshold suction on the prediction of the permeability function by using the statistical method” Results in Engineering, 14: 100456.

28, Lin ZQ, Qian JG, Shi ZH, and Zhai Q. (2022) “Bi-linear strength envelope of coarse- and fine-grained unsaturated soils with bimodal water-retention curve”, Engineering Geology, 304:106694.

27, Zhai Q, Ye WM, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Du YJ, Dai DL and Zhao XL (2022) “Estimation of the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soil incorporating the film flow” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, https://doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2021-0361

26, Zhai Q, Tian G, Ye W, Rahardjo H, Dai G, and Wang S. (2022). “Evaluation of unsaturated soil slope stability by incorporating soil water characteristic curve”. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2022, 28(6):637-644.

25, Wang S, Li W, Chen Z, Tian G, Dai G, Zhai Q, and Rahardjo H. (2022). “Effect of Cr on the performance of Fredlund and Xing (1994)'s equation in best fitting soil-water characteristic curve data”. Results in Engineering, 100373.

24, Lin ZQ, Qian JG, and Zhai Q. (2022). “A Novel Hysteretic Soil–Water Retention Model with Contact Angle-Dependent Capillarity”. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(2): 06021037

23,  Satyanaga A, Wijaya M, Zhai Q, Moon SW, Pu J, and Kim JR. (2021) Stability and consolidation of sediment tailings incorporating unsaturated soil mechanics Fluids, 6(12):423. 

22, Zhai, Q, Ye, WM, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Dai GL, and Zhao XL. (2021). “Theoretical method for the estimation of vapour conductivity for unsaturated soil”. Engineering Geology, 2021, 295: 106447.

21, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Zhu YY, Dai GL, and Zhao XL. (2021) “Estimation of wetting hydraulic conductivity function for unsaturated sandy soil” Engineering Geology, 285: 106034. 

20, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, and Dai GL. (2020) “Estimation of tensile strength of sandy soil from soil–water characteristic curve” Acta Geotechnica 15: 3371-3381

19,Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Dai GL, and Zhuang Y (2020) “Framework to estimate the soil-water characteristic curve for the soil with different void ratios” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79: 4399-4409 

18, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Dai GL, and Du YJ. (2020) “Estimation of the wetting scanning curves for sandy soils” Engineering Geology, 272:105635

17, Dai GL, Zhu WB, Zhai Q, Gong WM, and Zhao XL. (2020) “Characteristic Test Study on Bearing Capacity of Suction Caisson Foundation Under Vertical Load” China Ocean Eng., 34 (2) :267-278

16, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Dai GL, and Du YJ. (2020) “Effect of the uncertainty in soil-water characteristic curve on the estimated shear strength of unsaturated soil” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 21(4):317-330. 

15, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, and Dai GL. (2020) “Estimation of the soil-water characteristic curve from the grain size distribution of coarse-grained soils” Engineering Geology, 267: 105502

14,Dai GL, Zhu WB, Zhai Q, Gong WM, and Zhao XL. (2019) “Upper Bound Solutions for Uplift Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Suction Caisson Foundation” China Ocean Eng., 33(6): 685–693. 

13, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, and Dai GL. (2019) “Estimation of unsaturated shear strength from soil-water characteristic curve” Acta Geotechnica, 14(6): 1977-19904789().,-vol(V0)123456789().,-

12Zhai Q, Zhang CF, Dai GL, and Zhao XL (2019) “Effect of the segments of soil-water characteristic curve on estimated permeability function using the statistical method” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 20(8): 627-633. 

11, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, and Satyanaga A. (2019) “Estimation of air permeability from soil-water characteristic curve” Canadian Geotechnical Journal  56 (4): 505-513. 

10, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Priono, and Dai GL. (2019) “Role of pore-size distribution function on the water follow in soil ” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 20(1): 10-20. 

09, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H and Satyanaga A. (2018) “A pore-size distribution function based method for estimation of hydraulic properties of sandy soils” Engineering Geology  246: 288-292

08, Zhai, Q, Rahardjo H, and Satyanaga H. (2019) “Uncertainty in the estimation of hysteresis of Soil-water Characteristic Curve”, Environmental Geotechnics, 6(4): 204–213

07, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, and Priono (2017)  “Effect of bimodal soil-water characteristic curve on the estimation of permeability function ” Engineering Geology 230: 142-151

06, Satyanaga A, Rahardjo H, and Zhai Q. (2017) “Estimation of Unimodal Water Characteristic Curve for Gap-graded Soil”  Soils and Foundations 57: 789–801

05, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, and Satyanaga A. (2017) “Effects of residual suction and residual water content on the estimation of permeability function” Geoderma 303: 165-177

04, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, and Satyanaga A. (2016) “Variability in unsaturated hydraulic properties of residual soil in Singapore” Engineering Geology 209: 21-29

03, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H. (2015) “Estimation of permeability function from the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve” Engineering Geology 199: 148-156. 

02, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H. (2013) “Quantification of uncertainty in soil-water characteristic curve associated with fitting parameters” Engineering Geology 163: 144-152. 

01, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H. (2012) "Determination of soil–water characteristic curve variables." ComputGeotech 2012;42:37–43. 



5,翟钱*,田刚;朱益瑶;戴国亮;赵学亮;龚维明;杜延军.考虑滞后性的土-水特征曲线物理-统计模型研究[J].岩土工程学报:2023: 1-9. 

4, 翟钱*,朱益瑶,叶为民,杜延军,戴国亮,赵学亮.全吸力范围非饱和土水力渗透系数的计算[J].岩土工程学报:2021: 1-10

3, 朱益瑶,翟钱*.概率统计法测算非饱和土渗透系数的理论研究[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,51(05):826-832.

2, 周林,翟钱*.可变形土中孔径分布函数的模拟(英文)[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition),2020,36(03):328-333.

1, 翟钱*,戴国亮,赵学亮.水特征曲线对非饱和砂土抗剪强度的影响[J].岩土工程学报,2020,42(07):1341-1349.



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  • 2022年 

  田刚 (2022年度,优秀毕业生)

  • 2023年 

  朱益瑶 (2023年度,直博)