

通讯方式:civil_hwzhao@seu.edu.cn, wudizhw_0@126.com


1. 结构动力学(Structural dynamics);

2. 结构健康监测(Structural health monitoring);

3. 信号处理(Signal processing);

4. 智能建造与运维(Intelligent construction, operation & maintenance);

5. 数字孪生(Digital twin);

6. 大数据挖掘与分析(Big data mining and analytics)。







1. 中国振动工程学会会员,中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会青年委员;

2. 美国土木工程师学会及其结构工程分会(American Society of Civil Engineers & ASCE Structural Engineering Institute),会员(Member);

3. 国际电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),会员(Member

4. 国际期刊Artificial Intelligence Advances编委Editorial Board Member

5. 国际期刊Journal of Automation and Intelligence(中国高起点新刊),副主编/青年编委(Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member);

6. 国际期刊Smart Construction,青年编委(Youth Editorial Board Member);

7. 国际期刊Sustainability专刊(Special Issue)Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Structural Health Monitoring,首席客座主编(Leading Guest Editor);https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/20J3PE2764 

8. 国际期刊Frontiers in Built Environment专刊(Special Issue)Intelligent Operation & Maintenance for Future Resilient Infrastructures,首席客座主编(Leading Guest Editor);https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/58311/intelligent-operation-maintenance-for-future-resilient-infrastructures 

9. 国际期刊Sustainability专刊(Special Issue)Sustainability in Structure Engineering of Seismic and Shock Resistance Resilience Designs and Assessments,客座主编(Guest Editor);https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/D35V1C6325 

10. Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCEJournal of Performance of Constructed Facilities-ASCEStructural Control and Health MonitoringKnowledge-Based SystemsEngineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceAdvanced Engineering Informatics、中国公路学报、Engineering StructuresMeasurementWater ResearchTunnelling and Underground Space TechnologyStructuresInternational Journal of Thermal SciencesCold Regions Science and TechnologyJournal of Civil Structural Health MonitoringApplied Artificial IntelligenceMechanics Based Design of Structures and MachinesIEEE AccessRemote SensingData in BriefProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers  Bridge EngineeringJournal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)Structural Monitoring and Maintenance等土木、信息、人工智能领域知名期刊审稿人。


1. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,BK20200369在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,52008099在研,主持;

3. 国家重点研发计划项目(工程科学与综合交叉),2021YFF0500900,桥梁智能建造理论与方法研究,在研,参加。


1. Zhao Hanwei, Zhang Xiaonan, Ding Youliang, Guo Tong, Li Aiqun, Chen Jie, Yuan Mingze.Predictive diagnosis of hidden risk for urban lifeline infrastructures driven by digital twin modeling of multisource observations: perspective. Smart Construction, 2024, 2024(3): 0014. https://doi.org/10.55092/sc20240014 (中国主办的国际期刊)

2. Zhang Xiaonan, Ding Youliang,Zhao Hanwei*, Yi Letian, Guo Tong, Li Aiqun, Zou Yang, Mixed Skewness Probability Modeling and Extreme Value Predicting for Physical System Input/Output Based on Full Bayesian Generalized Maximum-Likelihood Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, 73:2504516. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2023.3343742  (SCI&EI, IEEE, 2024中科院top期刊)

3. Yang Fan, Zhao Hanwei*, Li Aiqun, Fang Zhao. Experimental–Numerical Analysis on the Cable Vibration Behavior of a Long-Span Rail-Cum-Road Cable-Stayed Bridge under the Action of High-Speed Trains. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2023, 13(19): 11082. (SCI)

4. Zhao Hanwei, Ding Youliang, Meng Libo, Qin Zuowei, Yang Fan, Li Aiqun, Bayesian Multiple Linear Regression and New Modeling Paradigm for Structural Deflection Robust to Data Time Lag and Abnormal Signal. IEEE Sensors Journal, 202323(17): 19635–19647. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2023.3294912 (SCI&EI, IEEE, 2023中科院top期刊)

5. Zhao Hanwei*, Ding Youliang, Li Aiqun, Chen Bin,Data-driven evaluation of abnormal vibration of cables during typhoon In-Fa. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Bridge Engineering, 2023. (EI&ESCI, ICE)

6. Zhao Han-Wei, AI Assists Operation and Maintenance of Future Cities. Artificial Intelligence Advances, 2023, 5(1): 25–27.

7. Liu Xujia, Ding Youliang, Zhang Huidong, Zhao Hanwei*, Li Aiqun, A Novel Brace-Damper System for Seismic Response Suppression of High-Rise Steel Frame Structures. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023,72: 106655. (SCI&EI)

8. Li Yong-Qiang, Zhao Han-Wei*, Yue Zi-Xiang, Li Yi-Wei, Zhang Yan, Zhao Da-Cheng, Real-Time Intelligent Prediction Method of Cable’s Fundamental Frequency for Intelligent Maintenance of Cable-Stayed Bridges. Sustainability, 2023, 15(5): 4086. (SCI&SSCI)

9. Zhao Han-Wei, Ding You-Liang, Li Ai-Qun, Chen Bin, Wang Kun-Peng. Digital modeling approach of distributional mapping from structural temperature field to temperature-induced strain field for bridges. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2023, 13(1): 251267. (SCI&EI)

10. Zhao Hanwei, Ding Youliang, Li Aiqun, Chen Bin, Zhang Xiaonan. State-monitoring for abnormal vibration of bridge cables focusing on non-stationary responses: From knowledge in phenomena to digital indicators. Measurement, 2022, 205: 112148. (SCI&EI)

11. Zhao Han-Wei, Ding You-Liang, Li Ai-Qun. Representation of In-Service Performance for Cable-Stayed Railway–Highway Combined Bridges Based on Train-Induced Response’s Sensing Data and Knowledge. Sensors, 2022, 22(9): 3247. (SCI&EI)

12. Zhao Han-Wei, Ding You-Liang, Li Ai-Qun, Liu Xing-Wang, Chen Bin, Lu Jun. Evaluation and Early Warning of Vortex-Induced Vibration of Existed Long-Span Suspension Bridge Using Multisource Monitoring Data. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2021, 35(3): 04021007. (SCI&EI, ASCE)

13. Zhao Hanwei, Ding Youliang, Li Aiqun, Sheng Wei, Geng Fangfang. Digital modeling on the nonlinear mapping between multi-source monitoring data of in-service bridges. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020, 27(11): e2618. (SCI&EI)

14. Zhao Hanwei, Ding Youliang, Li Aiqun, Ren Zhaozhao, Yang Kang. Live-load strain evaluation of the prestressed concrete box-girder bridge using deep learning and clustering. Structural Health Monitoring, 2020, 19(4): 1051–1063. (SCI&EI, 2020中科院top期刊)

15. Zhao Hanwei, Ding Youliang, Nagarajaiah Satish, Li Aiqun. Longitudinal Displacement Behavior and Girder End Reliability of a Jointless Steel-Truss Arch Railway Bridge during Operation. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(11): 2222. (SCI)

16. Zhao Han-Wei, Ding You-Liang, Nagarajaiah Satish, Li Ai-Qun. Behavior Analysis and Early Warning of Girder Deflections of a Steel-Truss Arch Railway Bridge under the Effects of Temperature and Trains: Case Study. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2019, 24(1): 05018013. (SCI&EI, ASCE)

17. Zhao Han-Wei, Ding You-Liang, Geng Fang-Fang, Li Ai-Qun. RAMS evaluation for a steel-truss arch high-speed railway bridge based on SHM system. Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, 2018, 5(1): 79–92. (ESCI)

18. Zhao Han-Wei, Ding You-Liang, Li Ai-Qun. Dynamic Performance Evaluation of a High-Speed Four-Track Railway Bridge Traversed by Multiple Trains. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2018, 32(1): 04017130. (SCI&EI, ASCE)

19. Ding You-Liang, Zhao Han-Wei, Deng Lu, Li Ai-Qun, Wang Man-Ya. Early Warning of Abnormal Train-Induced Vibrations for a Steel-Truss Arch Railway Bridge: Case Study. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(11): 05017011. (SCI&EI, ASCE)

20. Ding You-Liang, Zhao Han-Wei, Li Ai-Qun. Temperature Effects on Strain Influence Lines and Dynamic Load Factors in a Steel-Truss Arch Railway Bridge Using Adaptive FIR Filtering. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2017, 31(4): 04017024. (SCI&EI, ASCE)

21. Zhao H. W., Ding Y. L., An Y. H., Li A. Q.. Transverse Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Hangers in the Rigid Tied-Arch Bridge under Train Loads. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2017, 31(1): 04016072. (SCI&EI, ASCE)

22. 赵瀚玮, 丁幼亮, 李爱群, 张小楠, 王智文. 自激非平稳振动数据驱动的拉索动力性能表征. 振动工程学报, 2024, 37(4): 539–547. (EI&CSCD&北大核心, 期刊当期封面论文)

23. 赵瀚玮*, 丁幼亮, 李爱群, 任昭昭. 车辆荷载-桥梁效应数字建模与系统状态监控. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 52(2): 203211. (EI&CSCD&北大核心)

24. 赵瀚玮, 丁幼亮, 李爱群. 高速列车作用下南京大胜关大桥动位移响应分析. 铁道科学与工程学报, 2018, 15(9):2187–2195. (CSCD&北大核心)

25. 赵瀚玮, 丁幼亮, 李爱群, 王蔓亚, 刘华, 岳青. 大跨多线高速铁路钢桁拱桥车桥振动安全预警研究. 中国铁道科学, 2018, 39(2): 2836. (EI&CSCD&北大核心)

26. 赵瀚玮, 丁幼亮, 李爱群. 高速列车作用下大跨钢桁拱桥应变响应分析. 桥梁建设, 2017, 47(4): 3843. (EI&CSCD&北大核心)

27. 赵瀚玮, 丁幼亮, 李爱群, 岳青, 吴来义. 公铁两用斜拉桥竖向动力特性长期监测分析. 铁道建筑, 2016, 2016(11): 26–30. (北大核心)

28. 赵瀚玮, 韩西, 王玲. 波形钢腹板梁界面滑移计算公式推导. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 33(3): 18–21. (北大核心)

29. 赵瀚玮, 韩西. 混凝土拱桥振动与疲劳性能研究现状. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 32(S1): 803–806. (北大核心)


1. 国家发明专利: 赵瀚玮, 丁幼亮, 李爱群. 基于结构离散测点拓扑的温致应变场重分布智能感知方法. (专利号: ZL202111326559.X)

2. 国家发明专利: 赵瀚玮, 丁幼亮, 李爱群. 一种结构多尺度异类响应的非线性映射智能建模方法. (专利号: ZL202010102343.4)

3. 国家发明专利赵瀚玮丁幼亮李爱群任昭昭杨康一种基于活载应变的预应力混凝土梁桥开裂预警方法. (专利号: ZL201910867598.7)

4. 国家发明专利赵瀚玮丁幼亮李爱群一种桥梁车载应变影响线特征智能识别与提取方法. (专利号: ZL201910867601.5)

5. 国家发明专利赵瀚玮丁幼亮王蔓亚李爱群一种高速铁路桥梁车–桥振动性能的安全预警方法. (专利号: ZL201610942526.0)

6. 国家发明专利丁幼亮赵瀚玮王高新李爱群岳青吴来义一种应变动力系数的测定方法. (专利号: ZL201610147714.4)



1. 2022年度湖南省科学技术奖,二等奖,复杂环境下缆索承重桥梁运营可靠性保障关键技术及应用,授奖年度:2024

2. 2022年度中国公路学会科学技术进步奖,特等奖,“大跨桥梁多因素耦合作用疲劳损伤精细诊断与防治关键技术”,授奖年度:2023

3. 45届(2017)日内瓦国际发明展银奖与特别奖,授奖年度:2017

4. 2016年度中国铁路工程总公司科学技术进步奖,一等奖,“服役环境下大跨高速铁路桥梁安全性能预警关键技术与应用”,授奖年度:2017

5. 2015年度中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司科学技术进步奖,特等奖,“服役环境下长大桥梁安全性能预警关键技术与应用”,授奖年度:2016