


  • 污水处理及资源化

  • 水环境生态修复

  • 新兴污染物控制






  • 中国水协给排水工程教育专业委员会委员

  • 江苏省土木建筑学会给水排水专业委员会委员

  • 苏州市姑苏区人才科技工作顾问

  • Journal of Membrane Science》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Environmental Technology》、《Bioresource Technology》等学术期刊审稿人。




  1. 国家重点研发计划子课题:农村黑臭水体截源治污生态景观一体化关键技术与集成示范(2019YFD1100205

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于MFC原理强化的MBR耦合系统削减抗生素和控制抗性基因的机理研究(51978148

  3. 国家自然科学基金(海外及港澳学者合作研究基金):电化学技术辅助正渗透膜生物反应器缓解盐累积与汲取液回用研究(51828801

  4. 国家科技支撑子课题:乡村水系沟通与生态修复技术研发与示范(2015BAL02B01-02

  5. 江苏省重点研发计划项目:乡村自然生态系统恢复技术研究与示范(BE2015358

  6. 国家自然科学基金:基于污泥特性解析MBR 中生长代谢和共代谢对雌激素的去除机制(51008064

  7. 太湖水环境综合治理课题:入湖河流总氮削减技术研究与示范(TH2011205

  8. 太湖水污染治理专项资金课题:太湖流域工业园区排水体制调查与控制对策研究(TH2014308

  9. 教育部留学回国基金:膜生物反应器强化微生物降解雌激素的机制及其调

  10. 企业委托课题:基于曝气控制的同步亚硝化厌氧氨氧化MBR技术研究

  1. Ling Zang, Xiao-Li Yang*, Han Xu, Yu-Jia Deng, Zhi-Xuan Yue, Hai-Liang Song. Alleviating membrane fouling by enhanced bioelectricity generation via internal reflux of sludge mixed liquor in microbial fuel cell-membrane bioreactor (MFC-MBR) coupling system. Journal of Membrane Science, 2023,121495.

  2. Xiao-Li Yang, Qi Wang, Tao Li*, Han Xu, Hai-Liang Song. Antibiotic removal and antibiotic resistance genes fate by regulating bioelectrochemical characteristics in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 2022,126752.

  3. Tao Li, Xiao-Li Yang*, Hai-Liang Song, Han Xu, Qiao-Ling Chen. Quinones contained in wastewater as redox mediators for the synergistic removal of azo dye in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 301, 113924.

  4. Tao Li, Hai-Liang Song, Han Xu, Xiao-Li Yang*, Qiao-Ling Chen. Biological detoxification and decolorization enhancement of azo dye by introducing natural electron mediators in MFCs. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416, 125864.

  5. Han Xu, Hai-Liang Song, Rajendra Prasad Singh, Yu-Li Yang, Jia-Ying Xu, Xiao-Li Yang*. Simultaneous reduction of antibiotics leakage and methane emission from constructed wetland by integrating microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 320: 124285.

  6. Zhi-Hao Zhang, Jia-Ying Xu, Xiao-Li Yang*. MXene/Sodium Alginate Gel Beads for Adsorption of Methylene Blue. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2021, 260:124123.

  7. Xiao-Li Yang, Tao Li, Yang-Guang Xia, Rajendra Prasad Singh, Hai-Liang Song, Heng Zhang, Ya-Wen Wang. Microbial fuel cell coupled ecological floating bed for enhancing bioelectricity generation and nitrogen removal. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021, 46:11433.

  8. Li, Tao, Yang, Xiao-Li*, Chen, Qiao-Ling, Song, Hai-Liang, He, Zhen, Yang, Yu-Li. Enhanced performance of microbial fuel cells with electron mediators from anthraquinone/polyphenols-abundant herbal plants. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8:11263.(封面论文)

  9. Hua Li, Han Xu, Hai-Liang Song, Yi Lu, Xiao-Li Yang*. Antibiotic resistance genes, bacterial communities, and functions in constructed wetland-microbial fuel cells: Responses to the co-stresses of antibiotics and zinc. Environmental Pollution. 2020, 265:115084.

  10. Hua Li, Yun Cai, Zu-Li Gu, Yu-Li Yang, Shuai Zhang, Xiao-Li Yang*, Hai-Liang Song*. Accumulation of sulfonamide resistance genes and bacterial community function prediction in microbial fuel cell-constructed wetland treating pharmaceutical wastewater. Chemosphere, 2020, 248: 126014.

  11. Hua Li, Hai-Liang Song, Han Xu, Yi Lu, Shuai Zhang, Yu-Li Yang, Xiao-Li Yang*, Yu-Xiang Lu. Effect of the coexposure of sulfadiazine, ciprofloxacin and zinc on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes, bacterial communities and functions in three-dimensional biofilm-electrode reactors. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 296: 122290.

  12. Tao Li, Yun Cai, Xiao-Li Yang*; Yan Wu; Yu-Li Yang, Hai-Liang Song. Microbial Fuel Cell-Membrane Bioreactor Integrated System for Wastewater Treatment and Bioelectricity Production: Overview. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2020,146(1):04019092.

  13. Xiao-Li Yang, Jia-Ying Xu, Hai-Liang Song, Xiao Wang, Tao Li. Enhanced removal of antibiotics in wastewater by membrane bioreactor with addition of rice straw. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2020, 148: 104868.

  14. Hua Li, Han Xu, Yu-Li Yang, Xiao-Li Yang*, You-Wu, Shuai Zhang, Hai-Liang Song**. Effects of graphite and Mn ore media on electro-active bacteria enrichment and fate of antibiotic and corresponding resistance gene in up flow microbial fuel cell constructed wetland. Water Research, 2019, 165: 114988.

  15. Xiao-Li Yang, Shuai Zhang, Hua Li, Li-Min Zhang, Hai-Liang Song, Ya-Wen Wang. Effects of voltage on sulfadiazine degradation and the response of sul genes and microbial communities in biofilm-electrode reactors. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018,151:266-272.

  16. Hua Li, Hai-Liang Song, Xiao-Li Yang, Shuai Zhang, Yu-Li Yang, Li-Min Zhang, Han Xu, Ya-Wen Wang. A continuous flow MFC-CW coupled with a biofilm electrode reactor to simultaneously attenuate sulfamethoxazole and its corresponding resistance genes. Science of the Total Environment, 2018,637:295-305.

  17. Hua Li, Xiao-Li Yang*, Hai-Liang Song, Shuai Zhang, Xi-Zi Long. Effects of direct current on Klebsiella spp. viability and corresponding resistance gene expression in simulative bio-electrochemical reactors. Chemosphere, 2018, 196: 251-259.

  18. Shuai Zhang, Hai-Liang Song, Xiao-Li Yang*, Hua Li, Ya-Wen Wang. A system composed of a biofilm electrode reactor and a microbial fuel cell-constructed wetland exhibited efficient sulfamethoxazole removal but induced sul genes. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 256: 224-231.

  19. Yu-Li Yang, Hailin Ren, Pinhas Ben-Tzvi, Xiao-Li Yang*, Zhen He*. Optimal interval of periodic polarity reversal under automated control for maximizing hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017,42(31): 20260-20268.

  20. Yu-Li Yang, Mo-han Qin, Xiao-Li Yang*, Zhen He*.Sustainable operation of osmotic microbial fuel cells through effective reproduction of polyelectrolyte draw solutes facilitated by cathodic pH increase. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017,168:1143-1149.

  21. 石雷,杨小丽*,吴青宇,王亦铭,徐佳莹. 生态沟渠-生物滞留池组合控制农村径流污染.环境科学,2022,43(6):3160-3167.

  22. 王亦铭,丁露,徐佳莹,石雷,刘一帆,梁文伯,杨小丽*. 农村河道微生态系统构建及原位修复底泥.环境工程,2022,40(11):54-60.

  23. 王琦,石雷,杨小丽*,周世娟,李秋红. 废弃生物质强化生态袋脱氮除磷的效果.东南大学学报(自然科学版).2021,51(1):138-144.

  24. 熊永磊,杨小丽*,宋海亮. 微纳米气泡在水处理中的应用及其发生装置研究. 环境工程, 2016,34(6) : 23-27.

  25. 车生泉,杨小丽,熊国平著. 长三角乡村生态保育与修复设计研究. 上海交通大学出版社,201912. ISBN9787313228628.

  1. 一种利用蒽醌类中药植物内含物作为氧化还原中介体强化MFC产电的方法,ZL 202010146130.1

  2. 锰矿石人工湿地耦合微生物燃料电池系统及应用,ZL 201811339472.4

  3. 一种强化脱氮的膜生物处理方法,ZL201210255686.x

  4. 一体型机械式光催化膜分离耦合反应器及其废水处理方法,ZL 201710722805.0

  5. 一种同步修复污染底泥中有机物及重金属的方法和装置,ZL 201710016952.6

  6. 一种用于护坡的农业废弃物混合固定化脱氮菌的生态袋及系统,ZL 201611136302.7

  7. 一种立体分区组合生态浮床及其应用;授权国家发明专利,ZL 201710347179.1

  8. 纳米光电催化耦合微生物膜电极套筒式反应器及应用,ZL 201611168021.X

  9. 基于排阵型湿地微生物燃料电池供电的电芬顿污水处理系统及处理方法,ZL 201611240733.8

  10. 排阵型微生物燃料电池人工湿地污水处理系统,ZL 201611241407.9

  11. 好氧转筒式微生物膜电化学反应器及其应用,ZL 201610080872.2

  12. 一种复合浅层叠加型植物生长模块及其应用,ZL201510359545.6

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  14. 强化人工湿地去除药物残留物并防止耐药菌扩散的装置,ZL201510351628.0

  15. 高效去除低污染水中亲脂性痕量有机物的生态工程方法,ZL201510381202.X

  16. 利用根系分泌物强化湿地耦合系统去除地表水中抗生素的系统及方法,ZL201510559543.1

  17. 多级折流复氧人工湿地污水处理系统及其处理污水的方法,ZL 201310191442.4

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1)  第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家银奖,《至善清源-美丽乡村低碳宜居水环境塑造者》,团队成员:夏阳光、岳志轩、邓煜嘉、满雪颖、张皓驰、聂正鑫、石雷、徐汉、罗建文、钱秀雯、朱晨易(本科生)、蒋春丰、臧凌、孙芸、沈莹;2022

2)  第十二届“挑战杯”江苏省大学生创业计划竞赛金奖,《水管家-美丽乡村低碳宜居水环境塑造者》,团队成员:罗建文、夏阳光、张皓驰、满雪颖、岳志轩、聂正鑫、邓煜嘉、钱秀雯、石雷、徐汉;2022



1)  第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家银奖,《至善清源-美丽乡村低碳宜居水环境塑造者》,团队成员:夏阳光、岳志轩、邓煜嘉、满雪颖、张皓驰、聂正鑫、石雷、徐汉、罗建文、钱秀雯、朱晨易(本科生)、蒋春丰、臧凌、孙芸、沈莹;2022

2)  第十二届“挑战杯”江苏省大学生创业计划竞赛金奖,《水管家-美丽乡村低碳宜居水环境塑造者》,团队成员:罗建文、夏阳光、张皓驰、满雪颖、岳志轩、聂正鑫、邓煜嘉、钱秀雯、石雷、徐汉;2022