


  • 激光干涉、数字云纹等应用光学技术

  • 动态微变形无损测试技术

  • 光测力学图像处理与分析

  • 颗粒体、泡沫金属、复合材料及牙齿等力学性能测试及分析





杨福俊,19681月生,东南大学土木工程学院工程力学系教师,教授、博士生导师,力学专业固体力学学科学术骨干。2001年获大连理工大学固体力学专业博士学位,2001年底至20042月为东南大学土木工程博士后流动站博士后,2002年底至2003年底新加坡国立大学机械系Research Engineer20043月起任职于东南大学工程力学系,20119-20129月美国匹兹堡大学医学院骨科系访问学者;201511-201611月新加坡科技与设计大学机械系客座教授。










  1. Internal defect detection method based on dual-channel  speckle interferometry, Optics & Laser Technology 161: 109157(2023)

  2. Visual measurement method for three-dimensional shape of underwater  bridge piers considering multirefraction correction, Automation in Construction, 146: 104706(2023)

  3. Accurate determination of the elastic moduli of optimized cantilever beams by efficient time-averaged ESPI system, Measurement Science and Technololgy,  34:  025025(2023)

  4. Tri-wavelength simultaneous ESPI for 3D micro-deformation field measurement, Applied Optics61(2): 615, (2022) 

  5. Measurement of natural frequencies and mode shapes of transparent insect wings using common-path ESPI, Optics Express, 30: 18447(2022)

  6. Polarimetric imaging system based on double-layer prisms pair with polarizer coating and one camera,  Measurement Science and Technololgy, 33: 075405(2022) 

  7. Point-Wise Phase Estimation Method in Fringe Projection Profilometry under Non-Sinusoidal Distortion, Sensors, 22, 4478(2022)

  8. 水转印栅线聚氨酯大变形及动态力学特性测量,光学学报,42(1):0105001-1-0105001-7(2022)

  9. Efficient ESPI  method to identify vibration characteristics of transparent films, Optics Letters, 46(20): 5145-5148(2021)

  10. 散斑干涉方法测定牙槽骨弹性模量, 东南大学学报(自然科学版),  51(03): 398-403(2021)

  11. Generalized 2-step phase-shifting  algorithm for fringe projection, Optics Express, 29(9): 13141(2021)

  12. Designed for  the enhancement of structure mechanostability and strength: Suture-serrate margins of bivalve shells,  Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 103: 0-103586( 2020)

  13. Double speckle pattern interferometric  measurements for micro-angular displacement and the center of rotation, Optics Letters,  45(1): 188-191(2020)

  14. Panoramic  dual-directions shearography assisted by a bi-mirror, Applied Optics, 59(19): 5812-5820(2020)

  15. 基于彩色相机的双波长剪切散斑干涉法同步测量面内外位移导数, 光学学报, 40(18): 1812002-1(2020)

  16. Geometry constrained  correlation adjustment for stereo reconstruction in 3D optical deformation measurements, Optics  Express, 28(8): 12219-12232( 2020)

  17. Speckle-interferometric phase fringe patterns de-noising by using fringes' direction and curvature,  Optics and Lasers in Engineering ,119: 30-36( 2019)

  18. Experimental and numerical studies on  compressive mechanical properties of hollow-sphere structures with perforations, Mechanics of  Materials, 134: 193-203(2019)

  19. 基于电子散斑干涉与数字剪切散斑干涉法的悬臂薄板振动分析, 光学学报, 39(04): 56-64 (2019)

  20. Investigation on Vibration Response of  Aluminum Foam Beams Using Speckle Interferometry, Experimental Techniques, 42(1): 69-77( 2018)

  21. Shape measurement with modified phase-shift lateral shearing interferometry illumination and radial basis function, APPLIED OPTICS, 56(21):5954-5960  (2017)

  22. A dual-frequency fringe projection three-dimensional shape measurement system using a DLP 3D projector, Optics Communications, 382: 294-301 (2017)

  23. 基于散斑相位条纹方向的自适应正弦/余弦滤波, 光学学报, 37(09): 81~88(2017)

  24. 缺陷对薄板结构振动模态影响的数值与实验分析, 振动工程学报, 30(4): 564~569( 2017)

  25. 悬臂闭孔泡沫铝板的非线性振动实验研究, 东南大学学报(自然科学版),  47(04): 732~737(2017)

  26. Extrinsic calibration of a non-overlapping camera network based on close-range photogrammetry, APPLIED OPTICS, 55(23): 6363-6370(2016)

  27. Determination of thickness uniformity of a transparent film based on in-plane ESPI and radial basis function, Optics Communications, 369: 18-27 (2016)

  28. Vibration measurement based on electronic speckle pattern interferometry and radial basisfunction, Optics Communications, 355: 33-43(2015)

  29. Non-destructive strain determination based on phase measurement and radial basis function, Optics Communications 338: 348-358(2015 )

  30. Strain field estimation based on digital image correlation and radial basis function, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 65:64-72(2015)

  31. 一种基于双参考平面的等相位坐标标定方法, 光学学报, 34(05): 144-150(2014)

  32. 芯材厚度及胞孔结构对闭孔泡沫铝三明治梁弯曲性能的影响,东南大学学报(自然科学版), 43(5): 1045-1049(2013)

  33. Load capacity evaluated from fracture initiation and onset of rapid propagation forcast iron by digital image correlation, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(9): 1092-1101( 2013)

  34. Calibrationof revolution axis for 360 deg surface measurement, APPLIED OPTICS, 52(22): 5440-5448(2013)

  35. Single-shot color fringe projection for three-dimensional shape measurement of objects with discontinuities, APPLIED OPTICS, 51(12):2062-2069 (2012)

  36. 泡沫铝夹心板静态三点弯曲变形行为及力学性能 ,东南大学学报(自然科学版), 46(1): 120-124, (2012)

  37. 基于单频四步相移条纹投影的不连续物体三维形貌测量 ,  光电子.激光, 23(8):1535-1538,(2012)

  38. Singlefringe projection profilometry based on sinusoidal intensity normalization and subpixel fitting, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(3): 465-472(2011)

  39. ESPI在埋伏牙正畸牵引周围组织变形测量中的应用初探 , 口腔生物医学, 2(4): 178-183, (2011)

  40. 数字图像相关法在稀土掺杂水凝胶电响应行为测量中的应用,  高分子材料科学与工程,  26(9): 105-108     (2010)

  41.  闭孔泡沫铝特征统计及其变形行为实验研究. 东南大学学报(自然科学版),  39(2): 250-254(2009)

  42.  数字图像相关方法在闭孔泡沫铝压缩试验中的应用. 实验力学, 23(2): 162-167( 2008)

  43. Two-step phase-shifting fringe projection profilometry: intensity derivative approach, APPLIED OPTICS, 46(29): 7172-7178(2007)

  44. Characterization of dynamic microgyroscopes by use of temporal digital image correlation, APPLIED OPTICS, 45(30): 7785-7790(2006)

  45. 现代光测力学与图像处理,南京:东南大学出版社,2015

