部分论文如下: 1. Liang Yangze, Chen Guangyao, Li Sihao, and Xu Zhao. Intelligent defect diagnosis of appearance quality for prefabricated concrete components based on target detection and multi-modal fusion decision, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 2023 2. Liang Yangze, Xu Zhao, Intelligent Inspection of Appearance Quality for Precast Concrete Components based on Improved YOLO Model and Multi-source Data, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 2023 3. Zhao Xu, Yinsai Ran, Zezhi Rao. Design and integration of air pollutants monitoring system for emergency management in construction site based on BIM and edge computing. Building and Environment. 2022 4. Zhao Xu, Liang Yangze. Geometric modeling and surface quality inspection of prefabricated concrete components using sliced point clouds. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2022 5. Xu, Zhao; Liang, Yangze; Lu, Hongyu; Kong, Wenshuo; Wu, Gang. An approach for monitoring prefabricated building construction based on feature extraction and point cloud segmentation. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 2022 6. Xu Z, Kang R. 3D Reconstruction and Measurement of Surface Defects in Prefabricated Elements Using Point Clouds [J]. Journal of computing in civil engineering, 2020, 34(5) 7. Xu Z, Zayed T, Lin Y H, Wang S Z, Li H. Relationship between Social Media and ASCE Code of Ethics: Review and Case-Based Discussion [J]. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 2020, 146(2). 8. Xu Z, Zayed T, Niu Y M. Comparative analysis of modular construction practices in mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, Vol 245. 9. Xu Z, Dioumessy M. Challenges and Solutions to Air Transportation in Guinea: A Case Study on the Revival of the National Airline [J]. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 2019, 54(6): 858-879. 10. Xu Z, Zhang L, Li H, Lin Y H, Yin S. Combining IFC and 3D tiles to create 3D visualization for building information modelling [J]. Automation in Construction. 2020, Vol 109 11. Xu Z , Li S, Li H, et al. Modeling and problem solving of building defects using point clouds and enhanced case-based reasoning [J]. Automation in Construction, 2018, 96:40-54. 12. Xu Z, Li Q. Integrating the empirical models of benchmark land price and GIS technology for sustainability analysis of urban residential development [J]. Habitat International, 2014, 44:79-92. 13. Xu Z, Coors V. Combining system dynamics model, GIS and 3D visualization in sustainability assessment of urban residential development[J]. Building & Environment, 2012, 47(none):272-287. 14. 徐照, 康蕊, 孙宁. 基于IFC标准的建筑构件点云信息处理方法[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 48(6):1068-1075. 15. 徐照,李苏豪,袁竞峰.基于多属性分类的建筑物损伤案例推理方法研究[J].系统工程理论与实践,2019,39(02):429-441. 16. 徐照,张路,索华,迟英姿.基于工业基础类的建筑物3D Tiles数据可视化[J].浙江大学学报(工学版),2019,53(06):1047-1056. 17. 徐照,占鑫奎,张星.BIM技术在装配式建筑预制构件生产阶段的应用[J].图学学报,2018,39(06):1148-1155. 18. 徐照,徐夏炎,李启明,张星. 基于WebGL与IFC的建筑信息模型可视化分析方法[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版),2016,(02):444-449. 19. 张红,张洋,李维娜,徐照. 基于数理模型的二手房买卖经纪模式仿真比较[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2016,(04):399-405. 20. 徐雨晴,徐照,王广斌,谭丹.BIM成熟度模型研究综述[J].建筑经济,2018,39(12):115-120. 教材与专著 1. 徐照等,BIM技术在装配式建筑全生命周期的应用[M]. 东南大学出版社,2020. 2. 徐照等,装配式建筑BIM技术理论与实操[M]. 东南大学出版社,2022. 3. 徐照,李启明,BIM技术理论与实践[M]. 机械工业出版社,2020。 4. 徐照等,BIM与现代化建筑运维管理[M]. 东南大学出版社,2018. 5. 徐照,BIM技术与建筑能耗评价分析方法[M].东南大学出版社. 2017.