许 妍



  • 持久性有机污染物在水环境中的迁移转化

  • 环境微生物及生态风险评价

  • 低碳友好型环境功能材料

  • 人工智能在环境领域中的应用




  • 东南大学土木工程学院教授,博士生导师,市政工程系副系主任,江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,美国卡耐基梅隆大学土木与环境工程系博士,茅以升最佳博士论文奖获得者,从事水污染控制方面的研究。

  • 博士(Ph.D)  卡耐基梅隆大学土木与环境工程系 (Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) (2011)

  • 硕士(M.Phil) 香港城市大学生物化学系(City University of Hong Kong, Department of Biology and Chemistry) (2006)

  • 学士(B.S.) 南京大学环境学院 (2003)



Environmental Science & Technology 等期刊审稿人




  1. 环境工程基础 (Introduction to Environmental Engineering),本科生课程,全英文

  2. 高等水化学(Advanced Water Chemistry),硕士/博士研究生课程,全英文

  3. 水处理分子生物学(Molecular Biology in Water Treatment), 博士研究生课程

  4. 土木交通材料导论本科生课程



· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42377020,固态电子穿梭体耦合弱电/磁刺激强化多氯联苯微生物脱氯的研究,2024.1-2027.12,在研,主持

· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41671468,多氯联苯在典型沉积物中的微生物厌氧脱氯降解及其强化机制研究,2017.1-2020.12,结题,主持

· 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK20171356,多氯联苯在太湖沉积物中的长期微生物厌氧降解及其强化机制研究,2017.7-2020.6,结题,主持

· 污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室开放基金(南京大学)PCRRF16018,底泥多氯联苯厌氧脱氯过程中的微生物16S rRNA基因变化研究,2016.11-2018.11,结题,主持

· 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41301546,地球化学特征对太湖底泥中多氯联苯微生物厌氧脱氯的影响研究,2014.1-2016.12,结题,主持

· 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目,2242015K1007,江苏省典型城市水源地微污染物控制与风险评估,2015.1-2016.12,结题,主持

· 南京市留学人员科技活动项目择优资助,多氯联苯的原位厌氧微生物降解相关基因研究,2015.1 -2016.12结题,主持

· 江苏省生态环境厅项目,无锡市年度太湖治理目标任务进展情况调查,2020.112021.2结题,主持

· 昆山市城市管理局,环境卫生业务顾问合同-城市生活垃圾好氧发酵处理2020.122021.12结题,主持

· 江苏省市场监督管理局科技项目,KJ204119,聚丙烯(polypropylene PP)材质口罩佩戴安全性评价及处置后环境影响的研究,2020.12-2022.12结题,排名2(个人经费10万)

· 中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS计划)区域重点项目,KFJ-STS-QYZX-051,湖泊典型有机污染物控制技术研发及示范,2019.1-2020.12,结题,排名2(个人经费30万)

· 国家自然科学基金地区项目,41967043,生物滞留系统对城市污水厂尾水中典型抗生素的去除及其强化机制,2020.1-2023.12,在研,排名3

· 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51408119,典型重金属和药物在活性炭上的共吸附机制及强化去除方法,2015.1-2017.12,结题,排名2

· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41571476,根系分泌物介导下生物电化学强化人工湿地去除低污染水中的PPCPs的研究,2016.1-2019.12,结题,排名3

· 国家科技重大专项“水体污染控制与治理”,入湖河流水质改善关键技术与集成技术研发及工程示范,入湖河流及其河网区水环境问题诊断与综合治理方案专题 (2012ZX07101-008-01)2012.1-2015.12,结题,参与


· 教育部高等学校给排水科学与工程专业教学指导分委员会教育教学改革研究项目GPSJZW2020-31,双一流高校给排水科学与工程专业“一思二精三创”特色人才培养模式的探索和实践

· 环境工程基础Introduction to Environmental Engineering(校级全英文精品课程)

· 环境工程基础(全英文)(“课程思政”校级示范课改革试点)

· 日常生活中的污染风险评估(校级通识选修课程)



Zheming Liu, Yan Xu*,Polyparameter linear free energy relationships for partitioning of neutral organic compounds to storage lipids. Environmental Science & Technology, Volume 58, Issue 24 . June 2024, Pages 10786-10795.

Yingjiaqi Yin#, Yan Xu#,  Huayang Zhang, Hongcen Zheng, Zhe Xu, Chenmin Xu, Gancheng Zuo*,  Shaogui Yang, Huan He, Yazi Liu*, “Interfacial tuning in FeP/ZnIn2S4 Ohm heterojunction: Enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production via Zn-P charge bridging”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 666, July 2024, Pages 648-658.

Yan Xu*, Kexin Ma, Xue Wang, Danyi Zhang, Jianing Xu, Yazi Liu*, “Impacts of polymethyl methacrylate nanoplastics on nutrient removal, microbial community and antibiotic resistant genes in bioretention systems amended with biochar and pyrolusite”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 62, May 2024, 105360.

Xuexin Han, Lei Xu, Aixin Deng, Peng Xing, Yan Xu*, “Centurial deposition records of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in sediment cores from a plateau deep-water lake of China: Significance of anthropogenic impacts, transformation signals and ecological risks revealed by full congener analysis”. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 926, May, 2024, 171800.

Xue Wang, Danyi Zhang, Kexin Ma, Chibin Bu*, Ying Wang, Yanqiang Tang, Jianing Xu,Yan Xu*, “Biochar and zero-valent iron alleviated sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline co-stress on the long-term system performance of bioretention cells: Insights into microbial community, antibiotic resistance genes and functional genes”. Environmental Research, Volume 248,May, 2024, 118271.

Yan Xu, Ying Wang, An Zheng, Yaping Yuan, Lei Xu, Yanqiang Tang, Qingdong Qin,Efficient biostimulation of microbial dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls by acetate and lactate under nitrate reducing conditions: Insights into dechlorination pathways and functional genes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 468, April 2024, 133775.

Xiangfei Sun, Yan Xu, Mitchell Small, DavidYaron, Eddy Zeng*,Modeled pathways and fluxes of PCB dechlorination by redox potentials”. Environmental Science & Technology, Volume 58, Issue 12 . March 2024, Pages 5347-5356.

Aixin Deng, En Zhao, Qi Li,Yue Sun,Yazi Liu*, Shaogui Yang,Huan He,Yan Xu*, Wei Zhao,Haiou Song,Zhe Xu, Zupeng Chen*, Atomic cobalt-silver dual-metal sites confined on carbon nitride with synergistic Ag nanoparticles for enhanced CO2 photoreduction. ACS Nano, Volume 17, June 2023, Pages 11869-11881.

Zhemin Liu, Sun Xiangfei, Yan Xu*, Recalibrating polyparameter linear free energy relationships and reanalyzing mechanisms for partition of nonionic organic compounds to low-density polyethylene passive sampler. Journal of Chromatography A,Volume1700, July 2023, 464039.

Ying Wang, Wei Jiang,YanqiangTang ,Zheming Liu ,Qingdong Qin, Yan Xu*, Biochar-supported sulfurized nanoscale zero-valent iron facilitates extensive dechlorination and rapid removal of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in aqueous solution. Chemosphere, Volume 332, August 2023, 38835.

Yan Xu, Danyi Zhang, Qingju Xue, Chibin Bu, Yajun Wang, Benchi Zhang, Ying Wang, Qingdong Qin*. “Long-term nitrogen and phosphorus removal,shifts of functional bacteria and fate of resistancegenes in bioretention systems undersulfamethoxazole stress”. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 124, March 2023, Pages 1-16.

Lei Xu, Sha Liu, Yanqiang Tang, Xuexin Han, Ying Wang, Dafang Fu, Qingdong Qin, Yan Xu*. “Long-term dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Taihu Lake sediment microcosms: Identification of new pathways, PCB-driven shifts of microbial communities, and insights into dechlorination potential”. Environmental Science & Technology, Volume 56, Issue 2, January 2022, Pages 938-950.

Yan Xu, Danyi Zhang, Qingju Xue, Chibin Bu, Yajun Wang, Benchi Zhang, Ying Wang, Qingdong Qin*. “Long-term nitrogen and phosphorus removal,shifts of functional bacteria and fate of resistancegenes in bioretention systems undersulfamethoxazole stress”. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 124, March 2023, Pages 1-16.

Yanqiang Tang, Jiafeng Chen, Zhixing Xiao, Zheming Liu, Lei Xu, Qingdong Qin, Yuqiao Wang, Yan Xu*. “Humin and biochar accelerated microbial reductive dechlorination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol under weak electrical stimulation”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 439, October 2022, 129671.

Jiawen Liu, Wenqian Zhao, Minglei Ren, Yongqin Liu, Yan Xu*, Jianjun Wang*. “Contrasting elevational patterns and underlying drivers of stream bacteria and fungi at the regional scale on the Tibetan Plateau”, FEMS Microbiology Ecologys, Volume 98, April 2022, Pages 1-12.

Yan Xu*, Zheming Liu*, Kexin Ma, Qingdong Qin. “Facile synthesis of high iron content activated carbon-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron for enhanced Cr(VI) removal in aqueous solution” ,Chemosphere, Volume 291(Pt 1), March 2022, 132709.

Yan Xu, Yuwei Liu, Benchi Zhang*, Chibin Bu, Yajun Wang, Danyi Zhang, Muhua Xi, Qingdong Qin*. “Enhanced removal of sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline in bioretention cells amended with activated carbon and zero-valent iron: System performance and microbial community”, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 797, November 2021, 148454.

Yan Xu*, Yanqiang Tang, Lei Xu, Ying Wang, Zheming Liu, Qingdong Qin. “Effects of iron-carbon materials on microbial-catalyzed reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls in Taihu Lake sediment microcosms: Enhanced chlorine removal, detoxification and shifts of microbial community”, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 792, October 2021, 148454.

Qingdong Qin, Ting Liu, Jianxuan Zhang, Rui Wei, Shijie You*, Yan Xu*. “Facile synthesis of oxygen vacancies enriched α-Fe2O3 for peroxymonosulfate activation: A non-radical process for sulfamethoxazole degradation”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 419, October 2021, 126447.

Chengcheng Xing, Demin Jiang, Le Tong, Kexin Ma, Yan Xu*, Kun Xie, Yuqiao Wang*. “MXene@Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) decorated carbon cloth for high electrochemical active biofilm in microbial fuel cell”, ChemElectroChem, 2021, 10.1002/celc.202100455.

Mingchen Zhang, Alan D. Steinman, Qingju Xue, Yanyan Zhao, Yan Xu*, Liqiang Xie*,Effects of erythromycin and sulfamethoxazole on Microcystis aeruginosa: Cytotoxic endpoints, production and release of microcystin-LR”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 399, November 2020, 123021.

Zheming Liu, Qingdong Qin, Zhixian Hu, Lu Yan, Un-Io Ieong, Yan Xu*, “Adsorption of chlorophenols on polyethylene terephthalatemicroplastics from aqueous environments: Kinetics, mechanisms andinfluencing factors”, Environmental Pollution, Volume 265, October 2020, 114926.

Zhixing Xiao, Wei Jiang, Dan Chen, Yan Xu*, “Bioremediation of typical chlorinated hydrocarbons by microbial reductive dechlorination and its key players: A review”,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 202, October 2020, 110925.

Yan Xu*, Kelvin B.Gregory, Jeanne M. VanBriesen*, “Reduction in sulfate inhibition of microbial dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls in Hudson and Grasse River sediments through fatty acid supplementationt”, Chemosphere, Volume 233, October 2019, Pages 81-91.

Yan Xu*, Kelvin B.Gregory, Jeanne M. VanBriesen*, “Effects of ferric oxyhydroxide on anaerobic microbial dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls in Hudson and Grasse River sediment microcosms: dechlorination extent, preferences, ortho removal, and its enhancement”, Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 9, July 2018, Pages 1-16.

Yan Xu*, Kelvin B.Gregory, Jeanne M. VanBriesen*, “Microbial-Catalyzed Reductive Dechlorination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Hudson and Grasse River Sediment Microcosms: Determination of Dechlorination Preferences and Identification of Rare Ortho Removal Pathways”, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 50, Issue 23, Dec 2016, Pages 12767-12778.

刘杰,陈前,许妍*,张美一,辛小康,唐文忠*,张洪. 基于混合模型的长江流域洞庭湖区陆域磷输入通量及其削减预测. 环境科学. 2024. (EI Accepted)

刘杰,陈前,许妍*,查悉妮,张美一,辛小康,唐文忠*,张洪. 长江流域洞庭湖区出入湖磷通量模拟及水质预测:机器学习与传统水文模型耦合方法. 地球科学. 2024. (EI Accepted)



许妍*,陈佳枫,徐磊,刘雨薇,谢立莹、王之卓,金苗,陈宇炜.白洋淀表层沉积物中有机氯农药和全多氯联苯的分布特征及风险评估, 湖泊科学,2020,32(2):654-664.(EI)

许妍*席慕华, 耿冲冲, 徐磊, 刘哲铭, 傅大放, 王亚军. 无植物生物滞留池去除生活污水中典型抗生素及其效能强化, 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2020,50(04):748-759.(EI)

郑安,袁亚平,徐磊,陈曦, 许妍*. 短链脂肪酸对太湖底泥多氯联苯微生物厌氧脱氯的影响, 中国环境科学,2020,40(3):1266-1274.(EI)

许妍*,刘莎,徐磊,陈曦,周亚子,秦庆东.典型多氯联苯在太湖底泥微环境中的脱氯降解,东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2017,47(4):825-831. (EI)

徐磊, 刘莎, 秦庆东, 傅大放, 金苗, 许妍*.太湖竺山湾及入湖河流沉积物中多氯联苯单体分布及源解析, 中国环境科学,2017,37(11):4333-4341.(EI)




1. 一种活性炭负载纳米零价铁材料的制备方法与应用,许妍、刘哲铭、秦庆东、徐磊,授权号:CN112808232B,   2022

2.一种阴、阳极同步降解水相中氯酚的生物电化学装置许妍、陈佳枫、唐彦强、蒋威、刘哲铭、秦庆东,授权号:CN113087124B,  2022

  1. 博士论文“Microbial-catalyzed Reductive Dechlorination of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) in Hudson and Grasse River Sediment – Shifts of Microorganisms, PCB Tracker Pairs and Geochemical Properties”,卡耐基梅隆大学,茅以升最佳博士论文奖*Mao Yisheng Outstanding Dissertation Award),2012. (该奖项为纪念卡耐基梅隆大学历史上第一位博士学位获得者中国著名桥梁专家茅以升而设立,每年授予唯一1名博士学位获得者, 申请人系第二位获得该项学术奖的中国人)

  2. 江苏省高校青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师,2019

  3. 东南大学青年五四奖章,2018

  4. 东南大学土木工程学院年度人物,2018

  5. 第二届江苏省本科高校青年教师教学竞赛二等奖,2018

  6. 东南大学第25届青年教授授课竞赛一等奖(唯一获奖者),2018

  7. 东南大学微课教学比赛一等奖,2017

· 第六届“深水杯”全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛创意大赛,国家级二等奖,李谦、王晴、  冯佳敏、赵星语、梁浩谦,2023

· 第二届江苏省大学生给水排水创新、创业与实践竞赛,论文组省级一等奖,刘哲铭、颜璐、杨炫耀、胡至贤,2020

· 第四届“深水杯”全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛创意大赛,国家级三等奖,马可心、 刘哲铭 、周进捷、 徐艺、 刘佳欣,2020

· 美国土木工程大学生竞赛(ASCE)东南赛区水处理赛亚军(国际金奖),任树欣、刘哲铭、杨航、杨炫耀,2019

· 第一届江苏省大学生给水排水创新、创业与实践竞赛,设计类省级一等奖,韩雪欣,2019

· 国家奖学金:韩雪欣、刘哲铭


· 在读博士:徐磊、唐彦强、王莹、刘哲铭、邹馨怡















· 第六届“深水杯”全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛创意大赛,国家级二等奖,李谦、王晴、  冯佳敏、赵星语、梁浩谦,2023

· 第二届江苏省大学生给水排水创新、创业与实践竞赛,论文组省级一等奖,刘哲铭、颜璐、杨炫耀、胡至贤,2020

· 第四届“深水杯”全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛创意大赛,国家级三等奖,马可心、 刘哲铭 、周进捷、 徐艺、 刘佳欣,2020

· 美国土木工程大学生竞赛(ASCE)东南赛区水处理赛亚军(国际金奖),任树欣、刘哲铭、杨航、杨炫耀,2019

· 第一届江苏省大学生给水排水创新、创业与实践竞赛,设计类省级一等奖,韩雪欣,2019

· 国家奖学金:韩雪欣、刘哲铭


· 在读博士:徐磊、唐彦强、王莹、刘哲铭、邹馨怡












