Xiahou, Xiaer*; Chen, Gaotong et al,. Knowledge management in construction quality management: current state, challenges, and future directions, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2025,( (SCI/SSCI,Accepted) Wang J. Xiahou X* , et al. A novel Approach for Pipeline Generation using Mixed GA and Tree Strategy. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management(ASCE). 2025, (SCI) (Accepted)(通讯作者,学生一作) Li Z, Xiahou X*, Chen G, et al. EEG-based detection of adverse mental state under multi-dimensional unsafe psychology for construction workers at height[J]. Developments in the Built Environment, 2024, 19: 100513.(SCI) (通讯作者,学生一作) Xiahou, Xiaer*, Zirui Li, Jian Zuo, Ziying Wang, Kang Li, and Qiming Li. Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Urban Regeneration REITs in China: A TISM-MICMAC Based Approach, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 2024, (SCI/SSCI) . Xiahou, X*., Li, Z., Xia, J., Zhou, Z., & Li, Q. A Feature-Level Fusion-Based Multimodal Analysis of Recognition and Classification of Awkward Working Postures in Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management(ASCE), 149(12), 2023. 04023138.(SCI) Xiaer Xiahou,Lingyi Tang, Jingfeng Yuan*, Jian Zuo, Qiming Li.Exploring social impacts of urban rail transit PPP projects: Towards dynamic social change from the stakeholder perspective . Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2022,93. (SSCI/EI) Xiahou, Xiaer, Kang Li, Funing Li, Zhenqi Zhang, Qiming Li, and Yuan Gao. Automatic identification and quantification of safety risks embedded in design stage: a BIM-enhanced approach.Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 28, no. 4 (2022): 278-291. (SCI), Xiaer Xiahou, Jingfeng Yuan*, Hong Xie, Miroslaw J Skibniewski, Qiming Li. Exploring driving factors of smart city development under the physical-human society-cyber (PHC) space model. International Journal of Construction Management, 2020. Xiaer XIAHOU, Jingfeng YUAN, Qiming LI*, and Miroslaw J. Skibniewski. Validating DFS concept in lifecycle subway projects in china based on incident case analysis and network analysis. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 2018, 24(1): 53-66. (SCI). IF=3.714 Xiaer Xiahou, Jialong Chen, Bangyi Zhao, Zixuan Yan et al., Research on safety resilience evaluation model of data center physical infrastructure: an ANP-Based Approach, Buildings. 2022, (SCI),IF=3.324. Xiahou, X., Wu, Y., Duan, T., Lin, P., Li, F., Qu, X., ... & Liu, J. (2022). Analyzing Critical Factors for the Smart Construction Site Development: A DEMATEL-ISM Based Approach. Buildings, 12(2), 116. (SCI) IF=3.324 Li, Z., Yu, Y., Tian, F., Chen, X., Xiahou, X., & Li, Q. (2025). Vigilance recognition for construction workers using EEG and transfer learning. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 64, 103052. Tang L.Y., Xiahou X*., etc, Research on the Relationship Between Flexible Contract Term Setting Method and Setting Effect of Environmental Protection PPP Project, Engineering Management Journal, 2022,(SCI/SSCI) Chen G.C, Chen J.Y, etc. Xiahou X., Li Q.M., Exploring the Impact of Collaboration on BIM Use Effectiveness: A Perspective through Multiple Collaborative Behaviors,Journal of Management in Engineering,2022. (SCI) Jingfeng Yuan, Xuewei Li, Xiaer Xiahou*, et. al., Accident Prevention through Design (PtD): Integration of Building Information Modeling and PtD Knowledge Base, Automation in Construction, 102C (2019) pp. 86-104. (SCI) IF=10.517
夏侯遐迩,田丰华,李启明,智能建造背景下人机协作安全分析,东南大学学报(自然科学版),2023,53(6):1053-1064(EI). 夏侯遐迩, 游弋,颜紫璇, 基于VR和社会力模型的地铁车站火灾疏散路径仿真及布局优化,中国安全生产科学技术,2023,19(12):39-45.(中文核心,安全科学领域T1期刊) 夏侯遐迩,颜紫璇,罗扬,李康,李启明,面向设计的地铁车站防火安全韧性评价,中国安全生产科学技术,2022,18(12):169-176.(中文核心,安全科学领域T1期刊) 夏侯遐迩,王一凡,陈佳龙,唐令怡,李启明,基于FDA模型的地铁列车洪淹事故致因分析,中国安全生产科学技术,2022,18(10):24-30.(中文核心,安全科学领域T1期刊) 夏侯遐迩,刘玮纯,李子睿,李启明,李德智,基于政策工具视角的老旧小区改造文本研究:以南京市为例,现代城市研究,(中文核心)2023(03):15-20. 夏侯遐迩,吴芊凝,李康,李启明.建筑业全要素生产率影响因素及发展特征分析[J].工程管理学报,2022,36(01):6-11. 严奕,夏侯遐迩,李启明.BIM技术在土木工程本科学习中的应用[J].建筑经济2020,41:38-40. 夏侯遐迩,李启明*, 岳一博,等. 推进建筑产业现代化的思考与对策--以江苏省为例[J]. 建筑经济, 2016(2):18-22; 夏侯遐迩, 岳一博, 陆莹, 李启明*等. 面向安全的设计研究综述[J]. 工程管理学报, 2016, 30(4):7-12; 陈航, 夏侯遐迩, 李启明*,等. 基于2000~2015年ENR年报的国际工程承包市场结构分析[J]. 建筑经济, 2017, 38(8):29-35; 周欣帅*, 黄伟, 夏侯遐迩, 袁竞峰,李启明. 快速城镇化进程中南京城市集聚与房地产业发展的协调度演变及区域分析[J]. 现代城市研究, 2016(6):78-84;
专著: 1. 夏侯遐迩 李启明 袁竞峰 陆莹 汤育春著,《设计导致的地铁工程全生命期安全风险评估研究》,东南大学出版社,南京,2021年11月。重大工程安全风险管理丛书。 2. 袁竞峰 刘炳胜 李雪薇 黄伟 夏侯遐迩 等编著《建设工程风险管理》,机械工业出版社,北京,2021年9月。“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目。 3. 袁竞峰 林翰 夏侯遐迩 谢红 黄伟 等编著,《智慧城市建设与发展研究》机械工业出版社,北京,2020年10月。“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目。 4. 李启明,夏侯遐迩,岳一博,刘平编著,《建筑产业现代化导论》[M],东南大学出版社;南京,2017年5月。(“十三五”国家重点图书出版项目,江苏省“十三五”重点图书出版规划项目);