王 骞








王骞,东南大学青年首席教授、博导,国家高层次青年人才。主要研究方向包括智能建造与运维、机器视觉、工程质量管理与检测、语义模型重建等。主持或参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、江苏省科技计划项目等10余项课题。在智能建造领域国际权威期刊发表SCI论文60余篇。谷歌学术累计被引用4400余次,H指数33,入选ESI高被引论文3篇,授权国际、国内发明专利8项。2022-2024连续入选斯坦福大学全球前2%科学家榜单。担任中国图学学会BIM专业委员会委员、中国技术经济学会工程建设管理专业委员会理事会理事、江苏省土木建筑学会工程管理专业委员会秘书长、南京土木建筑学会青年创新工作分会副主任委员、Journal of Intelligent Construction期刊青年编委、Smart Construction期刊青年编委、Buildings期刊编委等职务。曾获广东省土木建筑学会科学技术二等奖(排2)、东南大学青年五四奖章等荣誉。

















I am also accepting outstanding foreign students supported by CSC scholarship. If you are taking a Master program in reputable Chinese universities (such as 211/985) and applying for PhD program at Southeast University, you are welcome to contact me. I don't have time to reply your email if you cannot pass my initial screening. Sorry!





Smart Construction期刊青年编委,2024年至今

Journal of Intelligent Construction期刊青年编委,2023年至今




ISO 16739-1标准工作组成员

ISO TC 59 SC 13标准审查委员会成员

















Integrated Robotic-BIM Inspection System, National Robotics Programme (NRP) – Robotics Domain Specific (RDS), 新加坡科技研究局,参加

Integrated Smart Predictive Remote Sensing Technology for Ground Settlement Monitoring, Cities of Tomorrow (CoT) R&D Programme, 新加坡国家科研基金会,主持

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Scan-to-BIM for Existing Buildings in A&A Projects, 新加坡教育局,主持

Automated Geometry Quality Inspection of PPVC/PBU Using Point Cloud Data and BIM, 新加坡教育局,主持




Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pd2EAqgAAAAJ&hl=en


1.       Tang, X., Wang, M., Wang, Q.*, Guo, J., and Zhang, J., 2022. Benefits of terrestrial laser scanning for construction QA/QC: a time and cost analysis. Journal of Management in Engineering, 38(2), 05022001.

2.       Tan, Y., Li, S., and Wang, Q.*, 2020. Automated geometric quality inspection of prefabricated housing units using BIM and LiDAR.Remote Sensing, 12(15), 2492.

3.       Guo, J., Wang, Q.*, and Park, J.H., 2020. Geometric quality inspection of prefabricated MEP modules with 3D laser scanning. Automation in Construction, 111, 103053.

4.       Wang, Q., Sohn, H., and Cheng, J.C.P.*, 2019. Development of high-accuracy edge line estimation algorithms using terrestrial laser scanning. Automation in Construction, 101, 59-71.

5.       Kim, M.K., Wang, Q.*, and Li, H., 2019. Non-contact sensing based geometric quality assessment of buildings and civil structures: a review. Automation in Construction, 100, 163-179.

6.       Guo, J., Yuan, L., and Wang, Q.*, 2020. Time and cost analysis of geometric quality assessment of structural columns based on 3D terrestrial laser scanning. Automation in Construction, 110, 103014.

7.       Wang, Q.*, 2019. Automatic checks from 3D point cloud data for safety regulation compliance for scaffold work platforms. Automation in Construction, 104, 38-51.

8.       Wang, Q., Sohn, H.*, and Cheng, J.C.P., 2016. Development of a mixed pixel filter for improved dimension estimation using AMCW laser scanner. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119, 246-258.

9.       Wang, Q., Kim, M.K., Cheng, J.C.P., and Sohn, H.*, 2016. Automated quality assessment of precast concrete elements with geometry irregularities using terrestrial laser scanning. Automation in Construction68, 170-182.

10.   Wang, Q., Cheng, J.C.P.*, and Sohn, H., 2017. Automated estimation of reinforced precast concrete rebar positions using colored laser scan data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 32(9), 787–802.



1.       Wang, Q.*, Li, J.*, Tang, X., and Zhang, X., 2022. How data quality affects model quality in scan-to-BIM: A case study of MEP scenes. Automation in Construction, 144, 104598.

2.       Wang, B., Wang, Q.*, Cheng, J.C.P.*, and Yin, C., 2022. Object verification based on deep learning point feature comparison for scan-to-BIM. Automation in Construction, 142, 104515.

3.       Qiu, Q., Wang, M., Guo, J., Liu, Z., and Wang, Q.*, 2022. An adaptive down-sampling method of laser scan data for scan-to-BIM. Automation in Construction, 135, 104135.

4.       Wang, B., Wang, Q.*, Cheng, J.C.P.*, Song, C., and Yin, C., 2022. Vision-assisted BIM reconstruction from 3D LiDAR point clouds for MEP scenes. Automation in Construction, 133, 103997.

5.       Wang, B., Yin, C., Luo, H., Cheng, J.C.P.*, and Wang, Q.*, 2021.Fully automated generation of parametric BIM for MEP scenes based on terrestrial laser scanning data. Automation in Construction, 125, 103615.

6.       Qiu, Q., Wang, M., Tang, X., and Wang, Q.*, 2021. Scan planning for existing buildings without BIM based on user-defined data quality requirements and genetic algorithm. Automation in Construction, 130, 103841.

7.       Yang, L., Cheng, J.C.P.*, and Wang, Q.*, 2020. Semi-automated generation of parametric BIM for steel structures based on terrestrial laser scanning data. Automation in Construction, 112, 103037.

8.       Yuan, L., Guo, J., and Wang, Q.*, 2020. Automatic classification of common building materials from 3D terrestrial laser scan data. Automation in Construction, 110, 103017.

9.       Wang, Q.*, Guo, J., and Kim, M.K., 2019.An application oriented scan-to-BIM framework. Remote Sensing, 11(3), 365.

10.   Wang, Q., Sohn, H.*, and Cheng, J.C.P., 2018. Automatic as-built BIM creation of precast concrete bridge deck panels using laser scan data. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering32(3), 04018011.

11.   Wang, Q., Tan, Y.*, and Mei, Z., 2020. Computational methods of acquisition and processing of 3D point cloud data for construction applications. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 27(2), 479-499. (ESI highly cited paper as of September/October 2020)

12.   Wang, Q.*, and Kim, M.K., 2019. Applications of 3D point cloud data in the construction industry: a fifteen-year review from 2004 to 2018. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 39, 306-319. (Most cited articles from Advanced Engineering Informatics as of January 2022; ESI highly cited paper as of January/February 2022)



1.       Guo, J., Wang, Q.*, Su, S., and Li, Y., 2023.Informativeness-guided active learning for deep learning–based façade defects detection. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.

2.       Cui, Z., Wang, Q.*, Guo, J., and Lu, N.*, 2022. Few-shot classification of façade defects based on extensible classifier and contrastive learning. Automation in Construction, 141, 104381.

3.       Li, J., Wang, Q.*, Ma, J., and Guo, J., 2022. Multi-defect segmentation from façade images using balanced copy-paste method. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 37(11), 1434-1449.

4.       Guo, J., and Wang, Q.*, 2022. Human-related uncertainty analysis for automation-enabled façade visual inspection: a Delphi study. Journal of Management in Engineering,38(2), 04021088.

5.       Guo, J., Wang, Q.*, and Li, Y., 2021. Evaluation-oriented façade defects detection using rule-based deep learning method. Automation in Construction,131, 103910.

6.       Guo, J., Wang, Q.*, and Li, Y., 2021.Semi-supervised learning based on convolutional neural network and uncertainty filter for façade defects classification. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,36(3), 302-317.

7.       Guo, J., Wang, Q.*, Li, Y., and Liu, P., 2020. Façade defects classification from imbalanced dataset using meta learning-based convolutional neural network. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 35(12), 1403-1418.



1.       Zhou, X., Sun, K., Wang, Q.*, Wang, J., Huang, X., and Zhou, W., 2023. IEDW: A BIM-based indoor electric distribution wiring algorithm using graph theory and capacity-limited multiple traveling salesman problem solver. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 56, 101999.

2.       Zhou, X., Wang, M., Liu, Y.*, Wang, Q.*, Guo, M.*, and Zhao, J., 2021. Heterogeneous network modeling and segmentation of building information modeling data for parallel triangulation and visualization. Automation in Construction, 131, 103897.

3.       Su, S., Li, S., Ju, J., Wang, Q.*, and Xu, Z., 2021. A building information modeling-based system for estimating building demolition waste and evaluating its environmental impacts. Waste Management, 134, 159-169.

4.       Su, S.*, Wang, Q., Han, L., Hong, J., and Liu, Z., 2020. BIM-DLCA: An integrated dynamic environmental impacts assessment model for buildings. Building and Environment, 183, 107218.

5.       Chen, K., Chen, W., Cheng, J.C.P.*, and Wang, Q., 2020. Developing efficient mechanisms for BIM-to-AR/VR data transfer. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34(5), 04020037.

6.       Cheng, J.C.P., Chen, W.*, Chen, K., and Wang, Q., 2020. Data-driven predictive maintenance planning framework for MEP components based on BIM and IoT using machine learning algorithms. Automation in Construction, 112, 103087. (ESI highly cited paper as of January/February 2022)

7.       Chen, W., Chen, K., Cheng, J.C.P.*, Wang, Q., and Gan, V.J., 2018. BIM-based framework for automatic scheduling of facility maintenance work orders. Automation in Construction, 91, 15-30.


1.       谭毅,陈鹏禄,温子鸿,宋典威,王骞,吴泽洲. 无人机建筑外墙智能巡检方法及系统,中国发明专利,授权(ZL 2024 1 0709447.X),2024-12-06.

2.       Sohn, H., Wang, Q. and Yoon, S. 3-dimensional laser scanner, KR Patent (No. 10-1840328), 2018-03-14.

3.       Sohn, H., and Wang, Q. Method for detecting position of rebar in reinforced precast concrete and detecting apparatus the same, KR Patent (No. 10-1932227), 2018-12-18.

4.       Sohn, H., and Wang, Q. Method for detecting reinforcing rebar position in precast concrete and apparatus for detecting same, PCT International Patent (No. WO2018190570A1), 2018-10-18.

5.       Sohn, H., Wang, Q. and Kim, M.K. Mirror based automated dimensional inspection of side shape of precast concrete elements using 3D laser scanner, KR Patent (No.  10-1651058), 2016-08-19.

6.       孙勋,王骞,金珉玖. 预制混凝土质控装置、质控系统及装置操作方法,国家发明专利,授权(ZL 2016 1 0099315.5),2018-10-23.

7.       Sohn, H., Yoon, S. and Wang, Q. Method for estimating position of precast components and position estimation device, PCT International Patent (No. WO2018212472A1), 2018-11-22.

8.       Sohn, H., Yoon, S. and Wang, Q. Method of estimating placement of precast components and placement estimating device, KR Patent (No. 10-1905103), 2018-09-28.








Automation in Construction优秀审稿人

Journal of Cleaner Production优秀审稿人



2023级:赵鸿翔 聂祥 杨周洲

2024级:赵敏如 李泽宇

2025级:杨添钦 王野豪




2025级:胡广阔 张硕林


