近5年SCI/EI收录的部分代表性期刊论著 (1) Tu Y *, Cao J, Wen R, Shi P, Yuan L, Ji Y, Das O, Försth M, Sas G, Elfgren L. Molecular dynamics simulation study of the transport of pairwise coupled ions confined in C-S-H gel nanopores [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 318: 126172.(SCI JCR一区/EI (2) Tu Y *, Liu D, Yuan L, Zhang Y. Corrosion resistance of concrete strengthened with fibre-reinforced polymer sheets [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2022, 74(2): 54-69.(SCI/EI) (3) Tu Y *, Shi P, Liu D, Wen R, Yu Q, Sas G, Elfgren L. Mechanical properties of calcium silicate hydrate under uniaxial and biaxial strain conditions: a molecular dynamics study [J]. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2022, 24(2): 1156-66.(SCI JCR二区/EI) (4) Liu D, Tu Y *, Sas G, Elfgren L. Freeze-thaw damage evaluation and model creation for concrete exposed to freeze-thaw cycles at early-age [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 312: 125352.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (5) Song S, Wang G, Min X, Duan N, Tu Y *. Experimental study on cyclic response of concrete frames reinforced by Steel-CFRP hybrid reinforcement [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 34:101937.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (6) Liu D, Tu Y *, Shi P, Sas G, Elfgren L. Mechanical and durability properties of concrete subjected to early-age freeze–thaw cycles [J]. Materials and Structures, 2021, 54(6): 211.(SCI JCR二区/EI) (7) Tu Y *, Liu D, Yuan L, Wang T. Early Hydration Process and Kinetics of Concrete Based on Resistivity Measurement [J]. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2021, 19(3): 196-206. (SCI/EI) (8) Tu Y *, Liu D, Wang T, Yuan L. Evaluation on later-age performance of concrete subjected to early-age freeze-thaw damage [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 270: 121491.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (9) Tu Y *, Wen R, Yu Q, Cao J, Ji Y, Sas G, Elfgren L. Molecular dynamics study on coupled ion transport in aluminum-doped cement-based materials [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 295: 123645.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (10) Tu Y *, Yu Q, Wen R, Shi P, Yuan L, Ji Y, Sas G, Elfgren L. Molecular dynamics simulation of coupled water and ion adsorption in the nano-pores of a realistic calcium-silicate-hydrate gel [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 299: 123961.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (11) Huang Z, Tu Y *, Meng S, Ohlsson U, Täljsten B, Elfgren L. A practical method for predicting shear deformation of reinforced concrete beams [J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 206: 110116.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (12) Wang C, Zhang J, Tu Y *, Sabourova N, Grip N, Blanksvärd T, Elfgren L. Fatigue assessment of a reinforced concrete railway bridge based on a coupled dynamic system [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020, 16(6): 861-79.(SCI JCR二区/EI) (13) Huang Z, Tu Y *, Meng S, Sabau C, Popescu C, Sas G. Experimental study on shear deformation of reinforced concrete beams using digital image correlation [J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 181: 670-98.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (14) Huang Z, Tu Y *, Meng S, Bagge N, Nilimaa J, Blanksvärd T. Validation of a numerical method for predicting shear deformation of reinforced concrete beams [J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 197: 109367.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (15)Huang Z, Lü Z, Song S, Tu Y *, Blanksvärd T, Sas G, Elfgren L. Finite element analysis of shear deformation in reinforced concrete shear-critical beams [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2018,14(6): 791-806.(SCI JCR二区/EI) (16)Grip N, Sabourova N, Tu Y. Sensitivity-based model updating for structural damage identification using total variation regularization[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 84: 365-383. (该论文三位作者等同贡献:合作人为均为瑞典数学家,作者按照字母排序)(SCI JCR一区/EI) (17)Qin X, Meng S, Cao D, Tu Y *, Sabourova N, Grip N, Ohlsson U, Blanksvärd T, Sas G, Elfgren L. Evaluation of freeze-thaw damage on concrete material and prestressed concrete specimens [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 125: 892-904.(SCI JCR一区/EI) (注:*表示通信作者)
近5年线下参加的部分重要国际会议之代表性论文 (1) Duvnjak I, Damjanovi D, Sabourova N, Grip N, Ohlsson U, Elfgren L, Tu Y. Damage Detection in Structures – Examples[C]. IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management – Report. 2019 (2) Sabourova N, Grip N, Ohlsson U, Elfgren L, Tu Y, Duvnjak I, Damjanovi D. Detection of sparse damages in structures[C]. IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management –Report. 2019 (3) Wang C, Wang Z, Zhang J, Tu Y*, Grip N, Ohlsson U, Elfgren L. FEM-based research on the dynamic response of a concrete railway arch bridge[C]. IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment. 2016. (4) Huang Z, Tu Y*, Grip N, Sabourova N, Bagge N, Blanksvärd T, Ohlsson U, ElfgrenL. Modelling of damage and its use in assessment of a prestressed concrete bridge[C]. IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment. 2016. (5) Bagge N, Blanksvärd T, Carolin A, Sas G, Elfgren L, Nilimaa J, Tu Y. Loading to failure of a 55 year old prestressed concrete bridge [C]. IABSE Workshop Helsinki 2015 : Safety, Robustness and Condition Assessment of Structures. 2015. (6) Bagge N, Nilimaa J, Blanksvärd T, Bernspång L, Täljsten B, Elfgren L, Sas G, Tu Y, Carolin A. Performance of a prestressed concrete bridge loaded to failure[C].IABSE Conference, Geneva 2015: Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges – Report. 2015 (7) Nilimaa J, Häggström J, Blanksvärd T, Täljsten B, Elfgren L, Tu Y, Carolin A, Paulsson B. Extend the life of existing railway bridges - Results from EU FP7 project MAINLINE [C]. IABSE Conference, Geneva 2015: Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges – Report. 2015 (8) Bagge N, Nilimaa J, Enochsson O, Sabourova N, Grip N, Emborg M, Elfgren L, Lundmark T, Tu Y. Protecting a five span prestressed bridge against ground deformations[C]. IABSE Conference, Geneva 2015: Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges – Report. 2015 (注:*表示通信作者)