



  • 光测实验力学方法与科学仪器

  • 摄像变形测量方法与计算机视觉

  • 结构变形感知与测量仪器装备

  • 实验断裂力学与实验生物力学






目前已在Nature Communications, PNAS, Experimental Mechanics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Optics Express, Applied Optics, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Review of Scientific Instruments, Measurement Science and Technology等力学、光学、仪器类和综合性国际主流学术期刊发表研究论文60余篇,其中唯一一作/通讯论文30余篇,并列一作论文1篇,SCI引用1500余次(80%为他引)。担任30余个国际期刊审稿人。受邀在国际学术会议做主旨或邀请报告10余


2008.09-2012.06  东南大学,工程力学,工学学士(自主招生)

2012.09-2018.06  东南大学,固体力学,工学博士(导师:何小元教授)

2016.09-2017.09  University of Toronto,联合培养(导师:Prof. Kaiwen Xia



2013.05-2014.03  中国科学技术大学,光力学实验室,访问(导师:张青川教授)

2015.01-2015.09  Singapore University of Technology and Design,研究助理(导师:Prof. Lujie Chen

2018.05-2018.06  Purdue University,访问(导师:Prof. Song Zhang







  • 实验力学(本科生64学时,春季)

  • 现代力学测试技术(本科生32学时,秋季)

  • 力学认识实习(本科生16学时,暑期学校)

  • 实验力学(研究生32学时,春季)

  • 运载火箭变形测试虚拟仿真实验(2学时)

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于内外参实时标定的自适应三维DIC测量方法研究”,122720932023.01-2026.12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“阵列式高空间分辨率三维数字图像相关方法研究”,119020742020.01-2022.12主持(已结题)

  • 国家重点研发计划,“水库大坝灾后水下应急检测与处置技术装备研发”,2020YFC15119032020.11-2024.04子课题,主持(已结题,结题评价优秀)

  • 国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目,“大型结构高精度三维动态变形测量分析系统研制”,118278012019.01-2023.12. 子课题,主持(已结题,结题评价优秀)


1          Huang J, Shao X(通讯作者)Three-dimensional reconstruction precision estimation in multi-view measurement systems [J]. Optics and Laser Technology (Elsevier), 2025, 184, 112494.

2          Wei K, Wei G, Shao X(通讯作者), Jin D, He X, An Experimental Method for Stereo-DIC Measurement of Large-Scale Thin-Film Structures [J]. Experimental Mechanics (SEM), 2024, 64, 1175-1181.

3         Meng X, Wang X, Yin K, Jing Y, Gu L, Tao Z, Ren X, Tang M, Shao X, Sun L, Sun Y, Dai Y and Xiong Y, Integration of photothermal water evaporation with photocatalytic microplastics upcycling via nanofluidic thermal management [J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024, 121 (13) e2317192121.

4          Dai M, Wei K, Gao B, Zhou B, Shao X(通讯作者), Experimental and simulation investigation of stereo-DIC via a deep learning algorithm based on initial speckle positioning technology [J]. Applied Optics (OSA), 2024, 63(8): 1895-1907.

5          Tong Z, Gu L, Shao X(通讯作者), Refraction error analysis in stereo vision for system parameters optimization [J]. Measurement (Elsevier), 2023, 222, 113650.

6          Gu L, Chen W, Hu X, Tong Z, Shao X(通讯作者), Refraction Correction for Deep-Water Three-dimensional Visual Measurement Based on Multi-Objective Optimization [J]. Optics Express (OSA), 2023, 31(19): 31383-31396.

7          Yuan F, Ren X, Pan R, Yin Z, Shao X(通讯作者), Shu G, He X, Tensile construction monitoring and progressive collapse test of suspen-dome structure based on UAV-assisted close-range photogrammetry and multi-camera stereo-digital image correlation [J]. Experimental Mechanics (SEM), 2023, 63, 1371-1389.

8          Shao X, Wei K, He X, Calibration of stereo-digital image correlation for large field of view measurement based on photogrammetry [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Elsevier), 2023, 169: 107732.

9          Meng X, Zhu C, Wang X, Liu Z, Zhu M, Yin K, Long R, Gu L, Shao X, Sun L, Sun Y, Dai Y and Xiong Y, Hierarchical triphase diffusion photoelectrodes for photoelectrochemical gas/liquid flow conversion [J]. Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 2643.

10          Chen W, Zhang B, Gu L, Liu H, Suo J, Shao X(通讯作者), Snapshot compressive imaging based digital image correlation: temporally super-resolved full-resolution deformation measurement [J]. Optics Express (OSA), 2022, 39, 33554-33573.

11      Wei K, Yuan F, Shao X(通讯作者), et al. High-speed multi-camera 3D DIC measurement of the deformation of cassette structure with large shaking table [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2022, 177, 109273.

12      Huang J, Shao X(通讯作者), Yang F, Zhu J, He X, Measurement method and recent progress of vision-based deflection measurement of bridges: a technical review [J]. Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2022, 61, 070901.

13      Gu L, Shao X(通讯作者). Theoretical analysis of crack propagation measurement for brittle materials based on virtual principal strain field [J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2022, 35, 842-850.

14      Shao X, He X. Camera motion-induced systematic errors in stereo-DIC and speckle-based compensation method [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Elsevier), 2022, 149: 106809.

15      Chen Z, Shao X(通讯作者), Sun W, Zhao J, He X.Optimization of multiscale digital speckle patterns for multiscale deformation measurement using stereo-digital image correlation [J]. Applied Optics (OSA), 2021, 60, 4680-4689.

16      Shao X, He X.Real-time 3D digital image correlation for large deformation and rotation measurement based on deformation transfer scheme [J]. Experimental Mechanics (SEM), 2021, 61(6): 951-967.

17      Yuan F, Wei K, Dong Z, Shao X(通讯作者), He X. Multi-camera stereo-DIC methods and application in full-field deformation analysis of reinforced Coral-SWSSC beams [J]. Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2021, 60(10): 104107.

18      Shao X, Feng J, He X, et al.Automatic speckle region selection for digital image correlation [J]. Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2020, 59, 084107.

19      Yuan F, Cheng L, Shao X(通讯作者), et al.Full-field Measurement and Fracture and Fatigue Characterizations of Asphalt Concrete based on the SCB Test and Stereo-DIC [J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (Elsevier), 2020, 235, 107127.

20      Shao X, Zhong F, Huang W, et al. Digital image correlation with improved efficiency by pixel selection [J]. Applied Optics (OSA), 2020, 59(11): 3389-3398.

21      Heng W, Huo B, Shao X (通讯作者), et al. Digital image correlation with reduced bias error based on digital signal upsampling theory [J]. Applied Optics (OSA), 2019, 58(15): 3962-3973.

22      Shao X, Chen Z, Dai X, et al. Camera array-based digital image correlation for high-resolution strain measurement [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments (AIP), 2018, 89: 105110.

23      Shao X, Zhu F, et al. Experimental investigation of strain errors in stereo-digital image correlation due to camera calibration [J]. Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2018, 57: 034102.

24      Shao X, Chen Z, Dai X, He X. An efficient approach for stereo matching of planar objects in stereo-digital image correlation [J]. Measurement Science and Technology (IOP), 2017, 28: 085004.

25      Shao X, Mohammed M, Chen Z et al. Self-calibration single-lens 3D video extensometer for high-accuracy and real-time strain measurement [J]. Optics Express (OSA), 2016, 24: 30124-30138.

26      Shao X, Dai X, Chen Z, et al. Calibration of stereo-digital image correlation for deformation measurement of large engineering components [J]. Measurement Science and Technology (IOP), 2016, 27: 125010.

27      Shao X, Dai X, Chen Z, et al. Real-time 3D digital image correlation method and its application in human pulse monitoring [J]. Applied Optics (OSA), 2016, 55(4): 696-704.

28      Shao X, Dai X and He X. Noise robustness and parallel computation of the inverse compositional Gauss-Newton algorithm in digital image correlation [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Elsevier), 2015, 71: 9-19.

29      邵新星,周江帆,员方等. 基于相机网络的运载火箭舱段全周变形实时测量[J]. 中国科学·技术科学,2022, 52: 1849-1858.

30      谷柳宁,宫文然,邵新星(通讯作者). 基于主应变场的混凝土全表面开裂特征实时测量与分析[J]. 力学学报,2021, 53, 1-9.

31      邵新星,戴云铜,何小元等. 实时数字图像相关用于土木准静态实验测量[J]. 光学学报, 2015, 10, 1012003.

32      邵新星,陈振宁,何小元等. 相机阵列测量二维应变场的高精度分析方法[J]. 中国科学·技术科学,2015, 45: 483-490.



  • 江苏省虚拟仿真实验教学一流本科课程负责人(2024)

  • 江苏省本科优秀毕业设计(黄金珂)指导教师(2023)

  • 首届长三角高校教师自制力学教学仪器设备创新大赛三等奖(2020)

  • 中国力学学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖(2020

  • 东南大学优秀博士学位论文(2019

  • 英国物理学会期刊MST年度亮点论文(2018

  • 美国光学学会期刊AO最佳引用论文(2016)

  • 东南大学工会积极分子(2021,2024)

















