刘 钊



  • 桥梁结构体系与基本力学行为

  • 混凝土桥梁分析理论与设计

  • 缆索承重桥梁分析理论与设计

  • 高性能材料与桥梁工业化建造

  • 桥梁抗震







  • 2005-至今:教授,东南大学土木工程学院

  • 2001-2005:副教授,东南大学土木工程学院

  • 1987-1998:铁道部第四工程局(现中铁四局),历任助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师和科技处总工程师。


  • 1998-2001:东南大学,结构工程,博士生

  • 1984-1987:西南交通大学,桥梁工程,硕士生

  • 1980-1984:西南交通大学,桥梁工程,本科生


  • 2015/07-2016/01University of Nevada at Reno,USA (CSC资助)

  • 2008/09-2008/11University of Stuttgart, Germany (DAAD 资助)

  • 2005/10-2006/10University of California at San Diego, USA (华英基金资助)

  • 中国公路学会桥梁及结构工程学会常务理事

  • 国际桥梁及结构工程学会(IABSE)会员

  • 江苏省综合交通运输学会专家咨询委员会委员

  • 桥梁结构分析理论(研究生课)

  • 桥梁工程(本科生课)      

  • 大跨桥梁结构(本科生课)

  • 土木交通导论(本科生课)



1 科技部/国家重点研发计划:

  • 基于可恢复性的装配式桥梁全生命周期抗震性能研究

  • 高烈度区既有城市桥梁不中断交通的抗震性能提升关键技术及示范

2 国家自然科学基金面上项目:

  • 面向混凝土梁承载能力极限状态设计的弹塑性应力场模型

  • UHPC-NC叠层桥面板静力与疲劳性能的试验研究及设计理论

  • 变截面波形钢腹板组合梁桥的剪切变形及剪切屈曲研究

  • 混凝土桥梁后张锚固区的力流传递及空间拉压杆模型

3 横向项目:

  • 张靖皋长江大桥工程新型主缆锚固体系研发及精细化分析

  • 虎门大桥辅航道桥开裂影响分析、持续下挠成因分析及加固效果评价

  • 新型先张预应力双T梁力学性能足尺模型试验研究

  • 南京绿都大道连续梁桥预制桥面板及其湿接缝抗裂及破坏机理研究

  • 宁句城轨矮塔斜拉桥的索塔及拉索施工关键技术咨询

  • 澳氹第四条跨海大桥设计连建造工程主桥抗震分析

  • 郑州市四环线及大河路快速化工程桥梁结构精细化分析研究



[1]     Alsomiri M, Liu Z, Wang T, Meng Ji. Structural concrete ductility-oriented design of UHPC T-beams: mechanical model and design recommendations [J]. Structural Concrete, 2024, 1-24.

[2]     Guo K, Cornejo A, Liu Z. Nonlinear behavior of existing pre-tensioned concrete beams: Experimental study and finite element modeling with the constitutive Serial-Parallel rule of mixtures [J]. Structures.67 (2024) 106990

[3]     Guo K, Bairán JM, Liu Z. Simplified Analytical Approach for Calculating the Transverse Load Distribution of Precast Slab Bridges with and without Concrete Overlays [J].Journal of Bridge Enginering, 2024, 29(7): 04024047

[4]     Wang X, Liu Z, Wang E, et al. Structural performance of hammerhead pier under eccentric loads: Strut-and-tie modeling, finite element method, and full-scale experimental study [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2024, Vol. 20, No. 6, 802-818

[5]     Wang X, Liu Z, Tong T, Yang P. Seismic performance of precast piers connected by grouted splice sleeve with central-tenon enhancement: experimental validation and system-level fragility study [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2024 

[6]     Wang X, Liu Z, Tong T, Wu D. Bond-slip behavior of deformed rebar in grouted duct connection: Experiment, theoretical analysis and cohesive-zone element model[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 421 (2024) 135694

[7]     Wang E, Liu Z, Li Z, Meng J. Nonlinear static solution of suspension bridge formulated from a surrogate model with secant stiffness of suspension cables[J]. Engineering Structures. 307 (2024) 117911.

[8]     Li W, Liu Z, Freddi F. Non-smooth dynamic analysis of curved bridges considering the earthquake-induced end-pounding[J]. Engineering Structures, 289 (2023) 116320

[9]     Wang E, Liu Z, He L. Analytical solutions for thermal effects of suspension bridges based on a surrogate model with longitudinal restraint stiffness [J]. Structures, 2023, 50: 723-733.

[10]  Liu Z, Lei H. Graphical modeling of discontinuous stress field for RC deep beams under uniform load [J]. Structural Concrete, 2023, 1-16.

[11]  Lei H, Liu Z, Alsomiri M. Bearing capacity of concentric anchorage zones in post-tensioned members: A stress field solution[J]. Structures, 2023, 50: 1368-1375.

[12]  Alsomiri M, Liu Z, Abadel A A, Li M. Revision and development of material models of ultra-high performance concrete containing coarse aggregate and applications in structural-level flexural response predictions [J]. Structures, 2023, 51: 332-350.

[13]  章世祥,王序,何迈杰,周权,刘钊. UHPC圆形空心管柱轴压性能试验[J]. 中国公路学报, 2023, 36(9):134-143.

[14]  刘钊,李佳滕,林夏,谢正元,李洪涛. 悬索桥主缆锚固系统构造及设计原则[J]. 世界桥梁, 2023,51(1):23-30.

[15]  Yuan S, Tong T, Liu Z, Yang P. Explicit double-phase-field formulation and implementation for bending behavior of UHPC-NC composite beams [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 57: 104802.

[16]  Yuan S, Liu Z, Tong T, Wang Y. A coupled adhesive-frictional model tailored for interfacial behaviors between UHPC and NC materials [J]. Structures, 2022, 38: 1397-1410.

[17]  Yuan S, Liu Z, Tong T, Liu J. Experimental, analytical, and numerical investigation on flexural behavior of hybrid beams consisting of ultra-high performance and normal-strength concrete [J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 268: 114725.

[18]  Yuan S, Liu Z, Tong T, Fu C C. Bond behaviors between UHPC and normal-strength concrete: Experimental investigation and database construction [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(1): 04021398.

[19]  Liu Z, Lei H, Tong T, Wu S, Lu G. Precast segmental piers: Testing, modeling and seismic assessment of an emulative connection based on a grouted central tenon [J]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 20(5): 2529-2564.

[20]  Liu Z, Alsomiri M, Li M, Chen X, Meng J. Experimental investigation on the flexural behavior of coarse aggregate reactive powder concrete (CA-RPC) bridge deck [J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 271: 114951.

[21]  Lei H, Liu Z, Alsomiri M, Ding W. Shear strength of pretensioned concrete T-girders: A combined stress field model and experimental investigations [J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2022: 1-14.

[22]  Guo K, Liu Z, Bairán J M. Transfer matrix method for calculating the transverse load distribution of articulated slab bridges [J]. Buildings, 2022, 12: 1610.

[23]  雷海鹏,罗杰,张春雷,马骉. 30m先张预应力双T梁抗弯性能足尺模型试验研究[J],桥梁建设,202252(5): 14-20

[24]  王二强,刘钊. 一座大跨径斜拉-悬索协作体系桥梁结构特色与关键技术[J],现代交通与冶金材料,2022. 7, 2(4): 6-13

[25]  Tong T, Yuan S, Wang J, Liu Z. The role of bond strength in structural behaviors of UHPC-NC composite beams: Experimental investigation and finite element modeling [J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 255: 112914.

[26]  Alsomiri M, Jiang X, Liu Z.Elastic restraint effect of concrete circular columns with ultrahigh-performance concrete jackets: an analytical and experimental study [J]. Materials, 2021, 14, 3278.

[27]   Yuan S, Liu Z, Tong T, Fu C C. A pilot study on structural responses of normal concrete-UHPC composite bridge decks w/wo rebars through an experimental-numerical approach [J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 2020: 1-21.

[28]   Yuan S, Liu Z, Tong T. Investigation of over-nonlocal damage and interface cohesive models for simulating structural behaviors of composite UHPC-NC members [J]. Structures, 2020, 28: 2617-2632.

[29]  Tong T, Yuan S, Zhuo W, Liu Z. Experimental and numerical investigations on cyclic behaviors of precast segmental bridge piers with the hybrid of high-strength bars and unbonded prestressing tendons[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020.  

[30]  Tong T, Wang J, Lei H, Liu Z. UHPC jacket retrofitting of reinforced concrete bridge piers with low flexural reinforcement ratios: experimental investigation and three-dimensional finite element modeling[J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020.



·        《桥梁概念设计与分析理论(上册) 》,人民交通出版社,2010

·        《地铁工程设计与施工》,人民交通出版社,2004



  • 公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范(JTG 3362-2018),人民交通出版社. 2019

  • 公路工程混凝土结构耐久性设计规范(JTG/T 3310-2019),人民交通出版社,2018

  • 公路混凝土桥梁体外预应力加固技术指南(T/ CHTS 10015-2019),人民交通出版社. 2019

  • 一种用于预制桥墩节段之间钢筋对接的伞扣式连接器(ZL 202210060819.1

  • 一种带中央环岛的多向旋转对称斜拉桥结构及施工方法(ZL 202210398603.6

  • 采用高强螺栓连接钢腹板的钢混叠合梁桥构造及施工方法(ZL 202110280636.6

  • 一种增强先张梁预应力筋粘结锚固力的方法和装置(ZL 202210059935.1

  • UHPC-NC叠层复合板构造及其施工方法(ZL 201611252808.4

  • 预制拼装桥墩芯形榫接头构造与施工方法(ZL 201610554362.4



  • 东南大学十佳研究生导师(2019年度)

  • 国家科技进步一等奖(13/15,2014年),国家科技进步二等奖(6/10,2019 年),教育部科学技术一等奖(5/15,2014年),江苏省科技进步二等奖(2/10,2009年).中国公路学会奖一等奖(3/7.2018年)

  • 铁道部授予'全国铁路优秀知识分子称号(1991年),中国铁路工程总公司青年拔尖人才(1994年)

  • 政协合肥市第9、10届委员会委员(1991-2000)

