黄 娟



  • 水生态修复理论与技术

  • 新型污染物的环境行为及其归趋

  • 水质管理与水处理技术




  • 1998.09-2002.06    东南大学土木工程学院环境工程专业 学士

  • 2002.09-2004.12    东南大学土木工程学院环境工程专业 硕士

  • 2004.03-2007.05    东南大学土木工程学院环境工程专业 博士

  • 2007.05-2011.03    东南大学土木工程学院  讲师

  • 2011.04-2019.06    东南大学土木工程学院  副教授

  • 2012.03-2013.03    美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校  访问学者

  • 2019.06至今       东南大学土木工程学院  教授


Science of the Total Environment》《Bioresource Technology》《Environmental Pollution》等SCI期刊的审稿人。




  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51479034),典型纳米颗粒在人工湿地中的生态效应及迁移归趋”, 项目负责人;

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金(50909019, “潜流型人工湿地低温域脱氮的生态过程及功能强化”, 项目负责人;

  • 江苏省科技计划项目(省产学研前瞻性联合研究项目)(BY2015070-03, “路面清扫车的新型微生物抑尘系统研究”, 项目负责人;

  • 江苏省住房和城乡建设厅项目, “太湖流域城市黑臭水体治理技术政策研究”, 项目负责人;

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51838003, “低影响开发下的城市绿地规划理论与方法”, 项目参与人;

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51079029, “人工湿地植物、基质与微生物在污水净化中的协同与拮抗”, 项目参与人;

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(50278016, “人工湿地的氧传机理与强化脱氮技术,项目参与人。

  1. Chunni Yan, Juan Huang*, Chong Cao, et al. Effects of PVP-coated silver nanoparticles on enzyme activity, bacterial and archaeal community structure and function in a yellow-brown loam soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 27, 8058-8070 2020.

  2. Juan Huang*, Jun Xiao, Y.ang Guo, et al. Long-term effects of silver nanoparticles on performance of phosphorus removal in a laboratory-scale vertical flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science. 87, 319-330 2020 .

  3. Juan Huang*, Jun Xiao, Ming Chen, et al. Fate of silver nanoparticles in constructed wetlands and its influence on performance and microbiome in the ecosystems after a 450-day exposure. Bioresource Technology 281,107-117 2019.

  4. Juan Huang*, Chong Cao, Jialiang Liu, et al. The response of nitrogen removal and related bacteria within constructed wetlands after long-term treating wastewater containing environmental concentrations of silver nanoparticles. Science of the Total Environment 667,522-531 2019.

  5. Juan Huang*, Chunni Yan, Jialiang Liu, et al. Feasibility study of vertical flow constructed wetland for tertiary treatment of nanosilver wastewater and temporal-spatial distribution of pollutants and microbial community. Journal of Environmental Management 245,28-36 2019.

  6. Chong Cao, Juan Huang*, Yang Guo, et al, Long-term effects of environmentally relevant concentration of Ag nanoparticles on the pollutant removal and spatial distribution of silver in constructed wetlands with Cyperus alternifolius and Arundo donax. Environmental Pollution 252,931-940 2019.

  7. Juan Huang*, Chong Cao, Chunni Yan, et al. Comparison of Iris pseudacorus wetland systems with unplanted systems on pollutant removal and microbial community under nanosilver exposure. Science of the Total Environment 624,1336-1347 2018.

  8. Juan Huang*, Chunni Yan, Chong Cao, et al. Performance evaluation of Iris pseudacorus, constructed wetland for advanced wastewater treatment under long-term exposure to nanosilver. Ecological Engineering 116, 188-195 2018.

  9. Chong Cao, Juan Huang*, Chunni Yan, et al. Shifts of system performance and microbial community structure in a constructed wetland after exposing silver nanoparticles. Chemosphere 199, 661-669 2018.

  10. Juan Huang*, Chong Cao, Chunni Yan, et al, Impacts of silver nanoparticles on the nutrient removal and functional bacterial community in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Bioresource Technology 243, 1216-1226 2017.

  • 东南大学优秀青年骨干教师, 2016

  • 南京市科学技术进步三等奖, 2016

  • 江苏省科学技术奖二等奖, 2013

  • 华夏建设科学技术奖三等奖, 2012

  • 国家环保部环境保护科学技术奖二等奖,  2012

  • 江苏省建设科学技术奖二等奖, 2010

  • 南京市科学技术进步奖二等奖, 2010

  • 东南大学青年教师授课竞赛三等奖, 2008