郭 力



  • 复杂结构的多尺度建模及模型修正

  • 结构耐久性

  • 多孔介质热质输运过程数值模拟及本构理论等

  • 安全性监测与智能传感








·      江苏省力学学会常务理事

·      江苏省力学学会副秘书长

·      江苏省计算力学专业委员会副主任委员

·      南方计算力学委员会委员




·     材料力学(本科生课程)

·     弹性力学(本科生课程)

·     理论力学(本科生课程)

·     工程力学(本科生课程)

·     结构分析软件(本科生课程)

·     弹塑性力学(东南大学研究生精品课程、在线开放课程(MOOC)负责人)

·     弹性力学(东南大学研究生精品课程、江苏省优秀研究生课程)

·     有限元程序设计(研究生课程)

·     非线性有限元(博士生课程)



·     载荷与环境作用下氯离子侵蚀与混凝土开裂过程耦合分析方法及应用,国家基金面上项目(主持)

·     面向结构状态评估的大跨桥梁结构多尺度模型修正理论及应用,国家基金青年项目(主持)

·     环境友好现代混凝土的基础研究-课题二-现代混凝土微结构与本构的关系,国家重点基础研究项目(973计划)【重大科学研究计划】子课题(主持)

·     面向目标混凝土设计地多尺度本构理论及应用,江苏省自然科学基金(共同主持)

·     考虑非均质特征界面的混凝土材料破坏机理精细化分析及应用,国家基金面上项目(第一参与人)

·     面向结构损伤预后的结构多尺度力学研究及其应用,国家基金面上项目(第一参与人)

·     重大工程结构损伤破坏非线性效应的多尺度模拟与分析,国家基金重大研究计划(第二参与人)

·     现代混凝土材料微结构效应研究,教育部博士点基金(第一参与人)

·     结构劣化的时空多尺度模拟和多因素同步分析方法及其应用,国家基金面上项目(第三参与人)

·     桥基渗流软化的无网格非线性边界元分析,江苏省自然科学基金(第二参与人)

·     大跨桥梁结构以损伤评估为目标的多尺度模型,教育部科技基金(第二参与人)

·     大跨桥梁结构以损伤评估为目标的多尺度模型修正及其应用,江苏省自然科学基金(第一参与人)

·     大跨结构多尺度损伤模拟与失效行为仿真分析,国家基金面上项目(第一参与人)

·     基于健康监测的大型钢桥梁疲劳损伤,国家基金面上项目(第一参与人)




·     国和一号示范工程穹顶及SC索力监测装置、调整装置(主持)

·     *******系统(主持)

·     大型钢结构吊装索力监测及调整技术研究(主持)

·     浙江三澳核电厂钢衬里模块化吊装工装设计及技术服务(主持)

·     国核压水堆示范工程核岛土建施工项目钢穹顶运输工装设计与技术服务(第一参与人)

·     冲击对封堵损伤特征的影响规律及仿真分析研究(主持)

·     FY-4微波星力学试验用3D打印490N发动机支架力学性能复核复算(第一参与人)

·     技改线路中导、地线力学性能检测与分析(主持)

·     CAP1400核电站SC结构大直径环形双层柔性结构吊装技术研究(主持)

·     台山核电站钢格栅结构抗龙卷风性能技术分析(主持)

·     南京总医院动力中心管道移位及破坏机理力学分析(第一参与人)

·     山东荣成核电项目CR10模块吊装过程索力监测(主持)

·     荣成国核压水堆示范工程CR10模块安装方案结构分析(主持)

·     苏通大桥结构健康监测状态评估预警系统研发(参与)

·     20MW锚链拉力试验机结构静、动力性能分析(主持)




  1. Jiming Zhang, Li Guo*. A fully coupled thermo-mechanical peridynamic model for cracking analysis of frozen rocks, Computers and Geotechnics (2023) (IF 5.3 )

  2. Zhijian Wu, Li Guo*. A new approach to aircraft ditching analysis by coupling free surface lattice Boltzmann and immersed boundary method incorporating surface tension effects, Ocean Engineering 286 (2023) 115559  (IF 5 )

  3. Yujiao Liu, Wanjin Li, Xin Zhou, Li Guo*. Multi-scale peridynamic investigation of chloride penetration in concrete under drying-wetting cycles, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 155 (2023) 779–788 (IF 3.3 )

  4. Jinwei Guan, Wanjin Li, Xiaofeng Yan, Li Guo*. An incremental bond–based peridynamic method for elastoplastic problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, (2023) 7292 (IF 3.021 )

  5.  Xiaofeng Yan, Wanjin Li, Rui Zhang, Li Guo*. A three-dimensional meso-scale approach to the fracture analysis of ultrahigh performance concrete based on micropolar peridynamics, Construction and Building Materials, 382 (2023) 131303 (IF 7.693 )

  6.  Jinwei Guan, Xiaofeng Yan, Li Guo*. An adaptive contact model involving friction based on peridynamics, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 100 (2023) 104966 (IF 4.873 )

  7. Jiming Zhang, Li Guo*. Peridynamic investigation on crack propagation mechanism of rock mass during excavation of tunnel group in cold regions, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, (2023) 2169791. (IF 3.338 )

  8. Rui Zhang, Xiaofeng Yan, Li Guo*. Deep learning-based classification of damage-induced acoustic emission signals in UHPC, Construction and Building Materials, 356(2022) 129285 (IF 7.693 )

  9. Zhijian Wu, Li Guo* Accuracy Improvement of Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann and Finite Element Method by Iterative Velocity Correction, Physics of Fluids, 34(2022) 103102; (IF 4.98 )

  10. Xiaofeng Yan, Jinwei Guan, Kang Wei, Rui Zhang, Li Guo*. Correction of full-field rigid body rotation and strain using a hybrid peridynamics and digital image correlation approach, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 158 (2022) 107162 (IF 5.666 )

  11. Jiming Zhang, Li Guo*. Peridynamics simulation of shotcrete lining damage characteristics under freeze-thaw cycles in cold region tunnels, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 141 (2022) 17-35 (IF 2.964)

  12. Jinwei Guan, Xiaofeng Yan, Li Guo*. An improved bond-based peridynamic model with shear bonds for eliminating rigid body rotation, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 119 (2022) 103369 (IF 4.017)

  13. Zhijian Wu, Li Guo*, Jun Hong. Improved Staggered Algorithm for Phase-field Brittle Fracture with the Local Arc-length Method, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, (2022) 20694 (IF 1.593)

  14. Rui Zhang, Xiaofeng Yan, Li Guo*. Pullout damage analysis of steel fiber with various inclination angles and interface states in UHPC through acoustic emission and microscopic observation, Journal of Building Engineering, 51 (2022) 104271  (IF 7.144)

  15.  Yan X.F., Zhang R., Guo L.*. Investigation of mixed-mode fracture of UHPC using a hybrid digital image correlation and Peridynamics approach, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 151 (2022) 106918. (IF 5.666)

  16.  Wanjin Li, Li Guo*. Peridynamic Investigation of Chloride Diffusion in Concrete under Typical Environmental Factors, Ocean Engineering 239 (2021) 109770. (IF 3.795)

  17. Yan X.F., Guo L.*, Li W.J. Improved Timoshenko beam-based micropolar peridynamic method incorporating particle geometry. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 254 (2021) 107909. (IF 4.406)

  18.  Zhang, R., Guo, L.*, Li, W. Combining Thermal Loading System with Acoustic Emission Technology to Acquire the Complete Stress-Deformation Response of Plain Concrete in Direct Tension. Materials 2021, 14, 602. (IF 3.623)

  19. Li Guo*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Wanjin Li, Xin Zhou. Multi-scale peridynamic formulations for chloride diffusion in concrete, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 120 (2020) 107–117. (IF 2.964)

  20. Wanjin Li, Li Guo*. A Mechanical-diffusive Peridynamics Coupling Model for Meso-scale Simulation of Chloride Penetration in Concrete under Loadings, Construction & Building Materials, 2020 241:118021 (IF 6.141)

  21. Wanjin Li, Li Guo*. Dual-Horizon Peridynamics Analysis of Debonding Failure in FRP-to-Concrete Bonded Joints. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 2019, 13(1)13-26. (IF 2.483)

  22. Wanjin Li, Li Guo*Meso-fracture simulation of cracking process in concrete incorporating three-phase characteristics by peridynamic method. Construction and Building Materials, 161 (2018) 665–675. (IF 6.141)

  23. Li Guo*, Xiaoming Guo, Jun Hong, Ying Wang. Constitutive relation of concrete containing meso-structural characteristics. Results in Physics 7 (2017) 1155–1160. (IF 4.476)

  24. Li Guo*XiaoMing Guo and ChangWen MiMulti-scale finite element analysis of chloride diffusion in concrete incorporating paste/aggregate ITZsSCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55(9):1696-1702, 2012. (IF 1.169)

  25. Li Guo*, Tang Chen, Xiao-Wei Gao. Transient meshless boundary element method for prediction of chloride diffusion in concrete with time dependent nonlinear coefficientsEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36(2):104-111, 2012. (IF 2.964) 






1.    郭力,吴志坚,洪俊,混凝土单轴拉伸应力应变全曲线测试方法及测试装置,202010106022.1.

2.       郭力,张瑞,一种单轴拉伸的刚性伴拉装置,201810088939.6.

3.       郭力,张瑞,一种热力式刚性单轴加载装置,201810089593.1.

4.       郭力,周鑫,一种用于复合材料质量扩散问题的近场动力学建模方法,201810088936.2.

5.       郭力,周鑫,一种热传导问题中复合材料的近场动力学建模方法,201810090276.1.

6.       郭力,周鑫,一种抗龙卷风格栅设计方法,201710461851.X.

7.       郭力,沈志诚,一种抗龙卷风格栅,201710455220.7.

8.       郭力,周鑫,一种对缺失数据修补的位移场重构方法  201610256206.X.


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