

Innovative Summer Program on Water Engineering

at Southeast University


Department of Municipal Engineering (DME) at School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University (SEU) has established an innovative summer program in the year 2011. The core theme of this program was to deliver the latest knowledge and innovative research studies related to Water Engineering to graduate and under graduate students of SEU and other leading Chinese, and overseas universities. Under this program, leading Professors from world’s leading prestigious universities have been invited to SEU to teach various courses every year.

Objectives of this year’s summer program

After successfully organizing this program for 4 years, DME is willing to organize a more interactive, flexible and innovative courses related to key environmental issues such as “Water Sensitive Urban Planning”, “Bioremediation in river sediments”, “Constructed wetlands”, etc. in year 2015.

Theme of 2015 summer program

Innovative research workshops and interactive lectures/seminars on:

  1. WSUD Case Studies – Case Studies of Water Sensitive Urban Designs.

  2. Bioremediation of polluted river/lake sediments – Learn innovative research technologies and ideas for bioremediation of sediments.

  3. Constructed Wetlands/ Bioretention – Catch up with the latest knowledge and innovative practices of constructed wetlands/ bioretention.

Summer program schedule

July4 2015~July11 2015

  1. Introductory lectures by Professors on three themes, and building student groups for various research topics.

  2. Research investigation, classroom discussion and workshop on various issues related to the topics.

  3. Presentation by all students.


30 students will be enrolled among the applicants. The expense of transportation and accommodation will be covered by DME.

Invited Professors

This year DME has invited well known Professors from leading universities.



Contact DetailsEmail: 317135421@qq.com


