Management Regulations for Paper Publication


 1.  The works published by laboratory researchers are one of the most important standards to measure the scientific research status of the laboratory. It is not only related to the author, but also related to the interests and reputation of the laboratory. This regulation is formulated to maintain the seriousness and purity of scientific research, guarantee the interests of laboratories and authors, standardize the publication procedures of works, and encourage laboratory personnel to publish more high-quality papers.

 2.  Laboratory personnel must consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the university and departments, abide by scientific research ethics, clarify the research purpose, correct the scientific research attitude, and strive to improve the scientific research level. It is strictly prohibited to plagiarize others' papers or scientific research achievements, forge papers and forge test data. Once such cases are found, the researcher shall be given a notice of criticism, warning, salary withholding or termination of the employment contract according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

 3.  Laboratory personnel shall treat the test and test data seriously, and it is strictly prohibited to forge the test results. Once such cases are found, the person shall be given a notice of criticism, warning, salary withholding or termination of the employment contract according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

 4.  When the joint laboratory member publishes a paper, the name of the laboratory should be marked, or it cannot be included in the statistical scope of scientific research achievements of the laboratory.

 5.  Before delivering the treatises at home and abroad, the laboratory personnel must firstly fill in the "treatises delivery registration form" printed and distributed by the laboratory, then it must be signed by each author and sent to the leader of the laboratory research group for recording. Works published that do not comply with the above procedures shall not be included in the scope of performance appraisal, and relevant expenses shall not be reimbursed. It is forbidden that one article is submitted to multiple journals

 6.  The personnel shall submit the published and electronic version of the final draft of the accepted papers this year to the laboratory to be included in the annual report of the laboratory, and give corresponding rewards according to relevant regulations.

 7.  The personnel should note the joint laboratory as affiliation when publishing articles. The authors and their ranking should fully reflect the contribution of each author to the paper. The paper shall clearly mark the funded project and the corresponding project number. For the auxiliary work done by other people in the paper, such as participating in substantive discussion, providing data, revising manuscripts, etc., appropriate thanks shall be given at the beginning or end of the paper.