China-Pakistan Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Smart Disaster Prevention of Major Infrastructures approved by the Ministry of science and technology is the highest level platform for International scientific and technological cooperation in China, and will be constructed according to the standard of the State Key Laboratories. It is an important measurement to promote the opening up cooperation between China and the "one belt and one road" building countries with innovation.

China-Pakistan Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Smart Disaster Prevention of Major Infrastructures is the only joint laboratory belongs to civil engineering discipline in the three batches (totally 53 ) "one belt and one road" joint laboratories. Southeast University is the supporting organization in China, which is the key universities of 985 Project and 211 Project, and is listed in the first batch of world-class universities as class “A”. The civil engineering, transportation and architecture disciplines involved in the joint laboratory belong to “A+” group. University of science and technology, Bannu, Pakistan is the international supporting organization. The joint construction organizations in China are Shenzhen University, Tianjin Fire Research Institute of Ministry of Emergency Management and Hefei Institute of Public Safety of Tsinghua University.