出版专著 张熠、张振浩著,《工程可靠度理论前沿与应用》,知识产权出版社。 代表性论文 1. Beer, M.*, Zhang, Y., Quek, S.T., Phoon, K.K. (2013): Reliability analysis with scarce information: comparing alternative approaches in a geotechnical engineering context (*highly cited research paper). In: Structural Safety, 41, 1-10. 2. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2014): Non-conventional modeling of extreme significant wave height through random sets(*highly cited paper). In: Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(7), 125-130. 3. Zhang, Y., Beer, M.*, Quek, S.T. (2015): Long-term performance assessment and design of offshore structures. In: Computers and Structures, 154, 101-115. 4. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2015): Reliability analysis of offshore structures within a time varying environment. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29(6), 1615-1636. 5. Zhang, Y.* (2015): Comparing the robustness of offshore structures with marine deteriorations — a fuzzy approach. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, 18(8), 1159-1172. 6. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2015): Estimating the economic losses of port disruption due to extreme wind events. In: Ocean & Coastal Management, 116, 300-310. 7. Zhang, Y.*, Cao, Y.Y., Dai, J. (2015): Quantification of statistical uncertainties in performing the peak over threshold method. In: Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 23(5), 717-726. 8. Zhang, Y.*(2015): A fuzzy residual strength based fatigue life prediction method. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 56(2), 201-221. 9. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2016): A copula approach in the point estimate method for reliability engineering. In: Quality and Reliability Engineering International,32, 1501-1508. 10. Zhang, Y., Cheng, T.* (2016): Characterizing the seasonal and directional varying properties in a marine environment. In: China Ocean Engineering, 30(4), 549-564. 11. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2016): Estimating economic losses of industry clusters due to port disruptions. In:Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 91, 17-33. 12. Cheng, T.*, Yan, K-Q., Zheng, J-J., Luo, X-F., Zhang, D-B., Xu, W-H., Hu, R-J., Zhang, Y. (2017): Semi-analytical and semi-numerical method for the single soil layer consolidation problem. In: Engineering Computations, 34(3), 960-987. 13. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Tee, K.F.(2017):Maintenance management of offshore structures using Markov process model with random transition probabilities. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 13(8), 1068-1080. 14. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Tee, K.F., Lam, J.S.L. (2017): Optimal sustainable life cycle maintenance strategies for port infrastructures.(*ESI paper) In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 1693-1709. 15. Tee, K.F.*, Ebenuwa, A.U., Zhang, Y.(2018):Fuzzy-based robustness assessment of buried pipelines. In: Journal of Pipeline Systems - Engineering and Practice, ASCE. ISSN 1949-1190, 9(1), 1994-1204. 16. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Beer, M., Dai, H., Guedes Soares, C., (2018): Modeling multivariate ocean data using asymmetric copulas. In: Coastal Engineering, 135, 91-111. 17. Zhang, D., Zhang, Y.*, Cheng, T., Meng, Y, Fang, K, Garg, A., Garg, A. (2017): Measurement of displacement for open pit to underground mining transition using digital photogrammetry. In: Measurement, 109, 187-199. 18. Kim, C.W.*, Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Oshima, Y., Morita, T. (2018): Long-term bridge health monitoring and performance assessment based on Bayesian approach. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 14(7), 883-894. 19. Yan, K., Cheng, T., Zhang, Y.* (2018):A new method in measuring the velocity profile surrounding a fence structure considering snow effects. In: Measurement, 116, 373-381. 20. Huang, Y., Gao, L., Zhang, Y., Tai, K., Prapainainar, P., Chin, C., Garg, A.* (2018): An application of evolutionary system identification algorithm in modelling of energy production system. In: Measurement, 114, 122-131. 21. Zhang, D., Zhang., Y.*, Cheng, T. (2018): Measurement of grass root reinforcement for copper slag mixed soil using shear test apparatus. In: Measurement, 118, 14-22. 22. Cheng, T., Yu, Z., Zheng, J., Du, J., Zhang, Y.*, Garg, A., Garg, A., (2018): Improvement of the cavity expansion theory for the measurement of strain softening in over consolidated saturated clay. In: Measurement, 119, 156-166. 23. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Tee, K.F., Garg, A., Garg, A. (2018):Long-term health monitoring for deteriorated bridge structures based on Copula theory. In: Smart Structures & Systems, 21(2), 171-185. 24. Zhang, D., Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Yuan, M., Garg, A., Garg, A., (2018) Effectiveness of CFG pile-slab structure on soft soil for supporting high-speed railway embankment. In: Soils and Foundation, 58(6), 1458-1475. 25. Zhang, Y.*, Gomes, A., Beer, M., Neumann, I., Nackenhorst, U., (2019) Modeling asymmetric dependences among soil parameters - the asymmetric copula approach. In: Soils and Foundation, 59, 1690-1979. 26. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Lin, J. (2019) Removing Environmental Influences in Health Monitoring for Steel Bridges through Copula Approaches. In: International Journal of Steel Structures, 19, 888-895. 27. Zhang, Y.*, (2018) Investigating dependencies among oil price and tanker market variables by copula-based multivariate models. In: Energy, 161, 435-466. 28. Xu, X., Yang, H.*, Zhang, Y., Neumann, I. (2018). Intelligent 3D Data Extraction Method for Deformation Analysis of Composite Structures. Composite Structures, 203, 254-258. 29. Zhang, Y.*, Gomes, A., Beer, M., Neumann, I., Nackenhorst, U., (2019) Reliability analysis with consideration of asymmetrically dependent variables: discussion and application to geotechnical examples. In: Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 185, 261-277. 30. Ye, X.*, Zhang, Y., Kim, C.W., Ogai, H., (2019) Hierarchical Probability and Risk Assessment for K-out-of-N System in Hierarchy. In: Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 189, 242-260. 31. Wang, B., Guan, S., Zhang, Y., Bai, Y.*, (2019) Experimental behavior and failure modes of hybrid beam-to-column connections with RC wing-walls in industrial construction. In: Construction and Building Materials, 218, 628-643. 32. Zhang Z.*, Liu X., Zhang Y., Zhou M., Chen J., (2020): Time interval of multiple crossings of the Wiener process and a fixed threshold in engineering (*ESI paper). In: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 135,106389. 33. Zhang X., Zhang Y.*, Shan R., Bai Y., Zhang Z., (2020): Application on bending performance of annular concrete-filled steel tube stent. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 168, 105984. 34. Zhang Y.*, Kim C.-W., Zhang L., Bai Y., Yang H., Xu X., Zhang Z., (2020): Long term structural health monitoring for old deteriorated bridges: a copula-ARMA approach. In: Smart Structures and Systems, 25(3), 285-299. 35. Zhang, Y., Wei, K.*, Shen, Z., Bai, X., Lu, X., Soares, C.G., (2020): Economic impact of typhoon-induced wind disasters on port operations: A case study of ports in China. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 101719 36. Huang, L., Zhang, Y.*, Lo, M.K., Cheng, Y.M., (2020): Comparative study of conditional methods in slope reliability evaluation. In: Computers and Geotechnics 127, 103762 37. Zhang, Z., Liu, M., Liu, X., Wang, X., Zhang, Y. (2021). Model identification of durability degradation process of concrete material and structure based on Wiener process. In: International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 1056789520961439 38. Bai, Y., Yue, Y., Chen, Y., Luo, D., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.* (2021) Local damage identification of high-strength circular concrete-filled steel tubes under low cycle fatigue. In: International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 1056789520963205 39. Zhou, M., Shadabfar, M.*, Xue, Y., Zhang, Y., & Huang, H. (2021). Probabilistic Analysis of Tunnel Roof Deflection under Sequential Excavation Using ANN-Based Monte Carlo Simulation and Simplified Reliability Approach. In: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 7(4), 04021043. 40. Li, N., Zhang, Y., Huang, L.* (2021) Real - time slope monitoring system and risk communication among various parties - case study for a large-scale slope in Shenzhen, China. In: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 7(4), 04021051 41. Zhang, Z.*, Niu, Q., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, T., & Liu, M. (2021). Durability Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Structure Corroded by Chloride Based on the Gamma Process. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 7(4), 04021061. 42. Tian, Z., Zhang, Y.* (2021): Numerical Estimation of the Typhoon-induced Wind and Wave Fields in Taiwan Strait. In: Ocean Engineering, 109803 43. Shadabfar, M., Mahsuli, M., Zhang, Y., Xue, Y., Ayyub, B. M., Huang, H., & Medina, R. A. (2022): Resilience-Based Design of Infrastructure: Review of Models, Methodologies, and Computational Tools. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 8(1), 03121004. 44. Ma, P., Zhang, Y.* (2022). Modeling asymmetrically dependent multivariate ocean data using truncated copulas. Ocean Engineering, 244, 110226. 45. Lin, G., Zhang, Y.*, Liao, Q. (2022). Developing efficient model updating approaches for different structural complexity - an ensemble learning and uncertainty quantifications. Smart Structures and Systems, 29(2), 321-336. 46. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.*, Quek, S.T. (2023). Visualizing and quantifying small and nonstationary structural motions in video measurement. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 38 (2), 135-159. 47. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.* (2022). Gaussian mixture model based phase prior learning for video motion estimation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 175, 109103. 48. An, P., Fang, K.*, Zhang, Y., Jiang, Y., Yang, Y. (2022). Assessment of the trueness and precision of smartphone photogrammetry for rock joint roughness measurement. Measurement, 188, 110598. 49. Shadabfar, M.*, Mahsuli, M., Zhang, Y., Xue, Y., & Huang, H. (2022). Probabilistic data-driven framework for performance assessment of retaining walls against rockfalls. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 103339. 50. Sun, C., Gu, D., Zhang, Y., & Lu, X.* (2022). Vision‐based displacement measurement enhanced by super‐resolution using generative adversarial networks. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 29 (10), e3048 51. Cheng, T., Yan, K., Hu, R., Zheng, J., Zhang, Y., Jin, L., & Liu, J. (2022). A Simplified Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation of Unsaturated Soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 23(1), 04022251. 52. Wang, J., Xu, L., Guo, J., Jiang, Y., He, H., Wang, Y., ... & Zhang, Y. (2022). Effect of Phaeodactylum Tricornutum in Seawater on the Hydration of Blended Cement Pastes. Coatings, 12(11), 1639. 53. Ma, P., Zhang, Y.*, Li, K., Li, Q., Wang, J., Li, L., & Yuan, Z. (2022). Smart database design for concrete durability analysis-an application in the Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge. Cement and Concrete Research, 163, 107033. 54. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.*, Ji, X., Lu, X., Xie, L., Zhuang, Y., Zhao, T. & Lin, G. (2023). Estimating small structural motions from multi-view video measurement. Engineering Structures, 275, 115259. 55. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.*, Lu, X., Ji, X., Li, Y., Li, J., Song, X., Zhang, H., Liu, Y. (2023) Estimating small structural motions based on sparsity enforcement. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 38(9), 1199-1216. 56. Zhao, T., Zhang, Y.*, Li, K., Wang, J. (2022) Probabilistic evaluation of chloride ingress process in concrete structures considering environmental characteristics. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 84(6), 831-849 57. Zhang, Z., Ren, X., Niu, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhao, B. (2023) Durability degradation simulation of RC structure based on gamma process considering two-dimensional chloride diffusion and life probabilistic prediction. Structures 48, 159-171 58. Pan, P., Yang, W., Zhang, Y.*, & Li, P. P. (2023). Optimized strength modelling of foamed concrete using principal component analysis featurized regressors. Structures 48, 1730-1745. 59. Shadabfar, M., Mahsuli, M., Xue, Y., Zhang, Y., & Wu, C. (2023). Time-Variant System Reliability Analysis of Concrete Sewer Pipes under Corrosion Considering Multiple Failure Modes. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 9(1), 04023002. 60. Tian, Z., Zhang, Y.*, Udo, K., & Lu, X. (2023). Regional economic losses of China's coastline due to typhoon-induced port disruptions. Ocean & Coastal Management, 237, 106533. 61. JIANG, F. C., Tian, Z., ZHANG, Y.*, & Udo, K. (2023). Risk map of typhoon induced wave fields around Hainan Island. Applied Ocean Research, 137, 103603. 62. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.*, Lu, X., Li, P., Zhao, T., Lin, G., & Guo, W. (2023). A target-free video structural motion estimation method based on multi-path optimization. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 198, 110452. 63. Zheng, Y., & Zhang, Y.* (2023). Reliability analysis for system with dependent components based on survival signature and copula theory. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 109402. 64. Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y.*, & Lin, J. (2023). System reliability analysis for independent and nonidentical components based on survival signature. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 103466. 65. Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y.*, & Lin, J. (2023). BIM–based time-varying system reliability analysis for buildings and infrastructures. Journal of Building Engineering, 106958. 66. Zhao, T., Zhang, Y.*, Li, K., Wang, J., Cai, E., Lin, G., & Li, Z. (2023). A copula approach in the probabilistic evaluation of chloride ingress process for coastal concrete structures. In Structures, 56, 104918. 67. Li, P. P., Zhang, Y.*, Zhao, Y. G., Zhao, Z., & Cai, E. (2023). An Information Reuse-Based Method for Reliability Updating. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 109536. 68. Lin, G., Zhang, Y.*, Cai, E., Zhao, T., Li, Z. (2023). An ensemble learning based Bayesian model updating approach for structural damage identification. Smart Structures and Systems, 32(1), 61-81. 69. Xiao, S., Udo, K., & Zhang, Y.* (2023). Projections of future beach loss along the Chinese coastline due to sea level rise. Coastal Engineering Journal, 1-18. 70. Gao, X., Ji, X.*, Zhang, Y., Zhuang, Y., & Cai, E. (2023). Structural displacement estimation by a hybrid computer vision approach. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 204, 110754. 71. Yang, S., Zhang, Y.*, Lu, X., Guo, W., Miao, H. (2024). Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning based decision support model for resilient community post-hazard recovery, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 242, 109754. 72. Ma, P., Zhang, Y.* (2024). A time-varying copula approach for describing seasonality in multivariate ocean data. Marine Structures, 94, 103567. 73. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.*, Lu, X., Ji, X., Hou, J., Li, P., & Guo, W. (2024). Vision-based automatic structural motion estimation in presence of 3D camera motion effects. Automation in Construction, 159, 105275. 74. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.*, Lu, X., & Guo, W. (2024). Model-informed deep learning-based compressive sensing for resampling and recovering 2D SHM vision data. Automation in Construction, 160, 105295. 75. Lin, G., Zhang, Y.*, Cai, E., Luo, M., & Guo, J. (2024). A Bayesian Structural Modal Updating Method Based on Sparse Grid and Ensemble Kalman Filter. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2024. 76. Cai, E., Zhang, Y.*, Lu, X., Ji, X., Gao, X., Hou, J., ... & Guo, W. (2024). Estimating structural motions in extreme environmental conditions——A dynamic correlation filter based computer vision approach. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 215, 111398. 77. Tian, Z., Jiang, F. C., Zhang, Y.*, Mahmoud, H., Lu, X., Luo, M., ... & Guo, W. (2024). Assessing seaport disruption under tropical cyclones using influence diagram and physics-based modeling. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 132, 104237. 78. Ma, Z., Han, K., Choi, J., Lee, J., Kwon, O., Sohn, H., ... & Zhang, Y. (2024). Development and field deployment validation of a low-cost and high-precision displacement sensing system by fusing millimeter-wave radar and accelerometer. Engineering Structures, 321, 118926. 79. Hou, J., Zhang, Y.*, Lu, X., Cai, E., Wei, K., Luo, M., ... & Guo, T. (2025). An anti-occlusion vision-based method for structural motion estimation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 224, 112003. 80. Chen, S., Zheng, Y.*, Wang, F., Cai, E., Zhang, Y., Liu, H., & Qu, Z. (2025). Computer vision-based reliability analysis in digital twinning for structural dynamic safety assessment. Engineering Structures, 326, 119532. |