1. Zhou, S., Wang, H., Li, D., Ng, S. T., Wei, R., Zhao, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2024). Revealing Public Attitudes toward Mobile Cabin Hospitals during Covid-19 Pandemic: Sentiment and Topic Analyses Using Social Media Data in China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 105440. (SCI, 中科院1区Top) 2. Li, D., Zhou, H., Zhou, S.*, Huang, G., Ma, X., Zhao, Y., . . . Ng, S. T. (2023). An eye-tracking-based approach to evaluate the usability of government portal websites in pilot smart cities. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. (通讯作者, SCI/SSCI, 中科院2区) 3. 李德智, 聂骁, 朱诗尧, & 周圣华*. (2023). 县城抗涝韧性的定量评价与时空演化研究——以江苏省为例. 灾害学, 38(4), 99-106. (CSCD/北大核心, 通讯作者) 4. Zhou, S., Ng, S. T., Huang, G., Dao, J., & Li, D. (2022). Extracting interrelated information from road-related social media data. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 54, 101780. (SCI, 中科院1区Top) 5. Li, D., Wang, W., Huang, G., Zhou, S.*, Zhu, S., & Feng, H. (2023). How to Enhance Citizens’ Sense of Gain in Smart Cities? 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A domain knowledge incorporated text mining approach for capturing user needs on BIM applications. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 27(2), 458-482 (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2) 10. Zhou Shenghua; Thomas Ng*; Li Dezhi.; Zhang, J.; Fan, J.; & Yang, Y. (2019). Characterizing stakeholders of aging-in-place through social network analysis: a study of Nanjing, china. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(23), 6722. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2) 11. 周圣华, 张建坤, 范洁,李德智. (2018) 基于网络化治理的社区居家养老服务体系分析——以南京市为例. 现代城市研究. 8, 13-21. (北大核心/CSSCI-E) 12. Zhou Shenghua; Thomas Ng; Yang, Y.; Frank Xu; & Li Dezhi. (2019). A data-driven and physics-based approach to exploring interdependency of interconnected infrastructure. International Conference of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Atlanta, USA. (EI) 13. Yu, L., Li, D., Mao, L., Zhou, S., & Feng, H. (2024). Towards people-centric smart cities: A comparative evaluation of citizens’ sense of gain in pilot cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 140027. (SCI, 中科院1区, JCR Q1) 14. Li, D., Shang, X., Huang, G., Zhou, S., Zhang, M., & Feng, H. (2024). Can Smart City Construction Enhance Citizens’ Perception of Safety? A Case Study of Nanjing, China. Social Indicators Research, 1-29. (SSCI, 中科院2区, JCR Q2) 15. Li, D., Yu, L., Huang, G., Zhou, S., Feng, H., & Wang, Y. (2023). A real options-based investment-income valuation model for old community renewal projects in China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 16. Wong, M. O., Zheng, Z., Liang, H., Du, J., Zhou, S., & Lee, S. (2023). How does VR differ from renderings in human perception of office layout design? A quantitative evaluation of a full-scale immersive VR. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89, 102043. 17. Yang Y.; Ng S. T.; Dao J.; Zhou Shenghua; Frank Xu; Xu X. & Zhou Z. (2021). BIM-GIS-DCEs enabled vulnerability assessment of interdependent infrastructures: a case of stormwater drainage-building-road transport nexus in urban flooding. Automation in construction, 125, 103626. (SCI, JCR Q1) 18. Yang, Y.; Thomas Ng; Zhou Shenghua; Frank Xu; & Li, H. (2020). Physics-based resilience assessment of interdependent civil infrastructure systems with condition-varying components: A case with stormwater drainage system and road transport system. Sustainable Cities and Society, 54, 101886. (SCI, JCR Q1) 19. Yang, Y.; Thomas Ng; Zhou Shenghua; Frank Xu; Li Dezhi.; & Li, H. (2020). A federated pre-event community resilience approach for assessing physical and social sub-systems: An extreme rainfall case in Hong Kong. Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, 101859. (SCI, JCR Q1) 20. Yang, Y.; Thomas Ng; Zhou Shenghua; Frank Xu; & Li, H. (2019). A physics-based framework for analyzing the resilience of interdependent civil infrastructure systems: A climatic extreme event case in Hong Kong. Sustainable Cities and Society, 47, 101485. (SCI, JCR Q1) 21. Yang, Y.; Thomas Ng; Frank Xu; Skitmore, M.; & Zhou Shenghua. (2019). Towards resilient civil infrastructure asset management: An information elicitation and analytical framework. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(16), 4439. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2) 22. Dao J., Thomas Ng, Yang Y., Zhou Shenghua, Frank Xu, & M. Skitmore (2021). Semantic framework for interdependent infrastructure resilience decision support.t. Automation in construction, 130, 103852. (SCI, JCR Q1) 23. Lin L., Xu F. J., Ng S. T., Zhang J., Zhou Shenghua, & Yang Y. (2020) Attention-based graph neural network enabled method to predict short-term metro passenger flow, IEEE International Conference on Universal Village (IEEE UV), IEEE, Boston, USA. (EI) 24. Yang, Y.; Thomas Ng; Zhou Shenghua; Frank Xu; & Li, H. (2019). Physics-driven based resilience analysis of interdependent civil infrastructure systems—a case study in hong kong. International Conference of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Atlanta, USA. (EI) 25. Wong, M.; Du, J.; Liang, H.; Zhang, Z.; Zheng, Z.; Zhou Shenghua.; Feng, F.; Lee, S. (2019). An experience-based spatial design framework using VR technology: a case study of designing an office layout. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference,Canada Society of Civil Engineers, Montreal, Canada. 26. 周圣华. (2017) 基于BIM的建筑物生态足迹前摄性度量方法研究, 东南大学硕士论文. 27. 周圣华. (2021) Integrating data-driven and physics-based approaches to identify, characterize, and respond to interdependent infrastructure failures, 香港大学博士论文. |