教育背景 博后,新加坡国立大学,建筑系,设计与环境学院(2015.11– 2017.04) 哲学博士,新加坡国立大学,土木与环境系,管理科学与工程(2011.01 – 2016.03) 硕士,东南大学,管理科学与工程(2005.09 – 2008.03) 本科,东南大学,土木工程管理(2001.09 – 2005.07) 暑期学校,中国社科研究院,管理科学与工程(2007.06)
社会实践 副教授,东南大学,土木学院,建设与房地产系(2023.04至今)
讲师,东南大学,土木学院,建设与房地产系(2017.06至2023.03) 博后,研究员,新加坡国立大学,建筑系,设计与环境学院(2015.11至2017.04) 助教(土木工程项目管理),新加坡国立大学,土木与环境系,(2013.02至2015.10) 估价师,中国建筑(南洋)发展有限公司(2008.09至2011.01) |
国际期刊论文审稿人 Journal of Cleaner Production Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Ain Shams Engineering Journal Frontiers in Built Environment Sustainablity
国际期刊主编 |
工程估价/B0520140【本科】 工程估价课程设计/B0521070【本科】 工程经济学/Engineering Economics(全英文)/MS005330【硕士】 工程造价分析/MS005209【硕士】 专业论文写作/Academic Writing(全英文)/MS005181【硕士】 《国际工程管理与案例分析》全英文MOOC在线开放课程,课程主讲之一 《工程项目融资》MOOC在线开放课程,课程主讲之一 《工程经济学》MOOC在线开放课程,课程主讲之一 |
省部级课题 国家自然科学基金项目(“双碳”专项),基于低碳建筑目标的混凝土材料-结构一体化设计理论与方法,2024/01-2026/12,项目主要参与人。 江苏省社会科学基金项目(一般项目),国外高质量乡村建设与管理的实践与启示研究(21SHB010),2022/01-2023/12,项目负责人。
国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金),基础设施项目外部效应的演化机理、多维评价与生态补偿研究(71801038),2019/01-2021/12,项目负责人。 江苏省科技厅项目(省重点研发计划项目),低碳未来建筑关键技术研究与工程示范(BE2022606),2022/07-2025/06,项目参与人。 国家重点研发计划“东南产村产镇减排增效技术综合示范”,课题五“村镇运维信息动态监测与管理关键技术研究”,任务3“农村基础服务设施监测与运维管理技术研究”(2020YFD1100405),2020/10-2022/12,项目主要参与人。 “十三五”国家重点研发计划-村镇建设发展模式与技术路径研究,课题二“绿色宜居村镇工程管理与监督模式研究”,任务4“绿色宜居村镇建设监督机制研究”(2018YFD1100202-05),2019/01-2021/06,项目参与人。 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),组态视角下全过程工程咨询项目多主体协同治理研究(71872039),2019/01-2022/12,项目参与人。 新加坡经济发展局(EDB)资助,与美国建筑行业协会(CII)合作国际科研项目,Improvement of Capital Project Predictability and Construction Productivity for Process Construction and Maintenance Project (R-296-000-162-597),2015/10-2018/07,项目主要负责人之一。
江宁区城建局,建筑业(产业现代化)发展规划服务,2022/01-2022/06,项目主要参与人(第一合作人)。 南京市城乡建设委员会,南京市建筑业“十四五”(产业现代化)发展规划,2020/08-2021/01,项目主要参与人(第一合作人)。 |
期刊论文(*通讯作者) Zhu, L.*, Tian, Z.Y., Du, J. (2023). “Spatial-temporal Redundancy Evaluation of the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Treatment Capacity: the Case Study of China”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 10.1007/s11356-023-26989-0, (SCI, Q1, IF=5.19) Zhu, L.*, Xiong, H., Ning, Y., Lv, M.M. (2023). “Addressing Individual Perception: Extending the Technology Acceptance Model to the Interim Payment Method in Construction Projects”. Sustainability, 15(9), 7120, 10.3390/su15097120 (SCI/SSCI, Q2, IF:3.889) Zhu, L., Zhu, Q., Zhao, X.B. * (2023). “Identifying Determinants of Student Learning Effects in Intensive Online Environments: An Empirical Investigation in Civil Engineering Education”. International Journal of Construction Management, (ESCI, Scopus Q1) Jia, H.T., Zhu, L.*, Du, J. (2022) . “Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model of the Farmers' Sense of Gain in the Provision of Rural Infrastructures: The Case of Tourism-Oriented Rural Areas of China”. Sustainability, 14(10), 5831, 10.3390/su14105831 (SCI/SSCI, Q2, IF=3.251)
Zhu, L., Zhang, L.N., Ye, Q.W., Du, J., Zhao, X.B. * (2022). “A Three-dimensional Evaluation Model of the Externalities of Highway Infrastructures to Capture the Temporal and Spatial Distance to Optimal -- A Case Study of China”. Buildings,12(3), 328; 10.3390/buildings12030328 (SCI, Q2, IF=2.648) Zhu, L.*, Ye, Q., Yuan, J.F., Hwang, B-G, Cheng, Y.S. (2021). A Scientometric Analysis and Overview of Research on Infrastructure Externalities. Buildings, 11(12), 630, 10.3390/buildings11120630 (SCI, Q2, IF= 2.648, Buildings, Volume 11, Issue 12 Featured Paper)
李德智,杨茜*,朱蕾,李启明. 新中国70年农村基础设施政策演进研究——基于中央政府层面的政策文本量化分析[J].小城镇建设, 2021, 39(8):69-74,10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2021.08.003
杨茜*,李德智,朱蕾,李启明 .村民参与村镇建设工程监督的行为模式研究[J]. 小城镇建设,2021, 39(8):69-74,10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2021.08.009
Cheng, Y., Fang, C., Yuan, J.*, and Zhu, L. (2020). Design and Application of a Smart Lighting System Based on Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks. Applied Sciences Basel, 10(23), 8545. (SCI, Q2, IF: 2.474) Cheng, Y., Yuan, J.*, Zhu, L., and Li, W. (2020). Risk Propagation Model and Simulation of Schedule Change in Construction Projects: A Complex Network Approach. Complexity, 2020. (SCI, Q2, IF: 2.462) Zheng, C.J., Yuan, J.F.*, Zhu, L., Zhang, Y.J., and Shao, Q.H. (2020). “From Digital to Sustainable: A Scientometric Review of Smart City Literature between 1990 and 2019”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120689, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120689. (SCI, Q1, IF= 6.395)
朱蕾,陈静怡*. 袁竞峰.基于ISM的装配式建筑供应链韧性关键影响因素研究[J].土木工程与管理学报, 202, 37(5):108-114 Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Zhu L., and Lim, W.C. (2020). “Cost Control in Megaprojects: Efficacy, Tools and Techniques, Key Knowledge Areas, and Project Comparisons”, International Journal of Construction Management, 20(5), 10.1080/15623599.2018.1484976. (ESCI) Hwang, B.G, Krishnankutty, P.*, Zhu L., Caldas, C. H., Shounak A., and Mulva, S. (2020) “Improving Labour Productivity in Process Construction Maintenance and Shutdown/Turnaround Projects”, International Journal of Construction Management, 20(7), 10.1080/15623599.2018.1492664. (ESCI) Zhu, L.*, Shan, M., and Xu, Z. (2019). “Critical Review of Building Handover-Related Research in Construction and Facility Management Journals”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 10.1108/ECAM-10-2018-0442 (SSCI & SCIE, Q3, IF=1.561) Zhu L.*, and Chua D.K.H. (2018). “Identifying Critical Bankability Criteria for PPP Projects: The Case of China”, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018, 10.1155/2018/7860717. (SCI, Q3, IF = 0.827) Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Zhu L., and Lim, W.C. (2018). “Cost Control in Megaprojects: Efficacy, Tools and Techniques, Key Knowledge Areas, and Project Comparisons”, International Journal of Construction Management, 10.1080/15623599.2018.1484976. (ESCI) Hwang, B.G, Krishnankutty, P.*, Zhu L., Caldas, C. H., Shounak A., and Mulva, S. (2018) “Improving Labour Productivity in Process Construction Maintenance and Shutdown/Turnaround Projects”, International Journal of Construction Management, 10.1080/15623599.2018.1492664. (ESCI) Wu, H.Y.*, Du, J., and Zhu, L. (2018). “Influencing Factors on Profit Distribution of Public Private Partnership Projects: Private Sector's Perspective”, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018, 10.1155/2018/2143173 (SCI Index, IF = 0.97) Zhu, L., Shan, M., and Hwang, B.G.* (2018). “Overview of Design for Maintainability in Building and Construction Research”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 32(1), 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.000111 (SCI Index, IF = 1.192) Shan, M.,* Hwang, B.G., and Zhu, L. (2017). “A Global Review of Sustainable Construction Project Financing: Policies, Practices, and Research Efforts”, Sustainability, 9(12), 10.3390/su9122347 (SCI Index, IF = 1.789) Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*, and Tan, J.S.H., (2017). “Green Business Park Project Management: Barriers and Solutions for Sustainable Development”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 209-219, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.03.210(SCI Index, IF = 4.959) Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*, Wang, Y.L., and Cheong, X.Y., (2017). “Green Building Construction Projects in Singapore: Cost Premiums and Cost Performance”, Project Management Journal, 48(4), 67-79,(SSCI Index, IF =1.765) Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*, and Tan, J.S.H., (2017).“Identifying Critical Success Factors for Green Business Parks: the Case Study of Singapore”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 33(5), 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000536 (SCI, IF = 1.840) Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*, and Ming, J. T. T., (2016). “Factors Affecting Productivity in Green Building Construction Projects: The Case of Singapore”, Journal of Management in Engineering,33(3), 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000499 (SCI, IF = 1.840)
Zhu, L.*, Zhao, X., and Chua, D. K. H., (2016). Agent-Based Debt Terms' Bargaining Model to Improve Negotiation Inefficiency in PPP Projects. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(6),10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000571 (SCI, IF = 1.855) 朱蕾*,祁艳. FIDIC 金皮书 – DBO合同研究[J]. 建筑, 2008, 20: 36-37 朱蕾*,袁竞峰,杜静. 基于PPP合同行政属性的政府介入权研究[J]. 建筑经济,2007, 10: 92-95 朱蕾*,杜静,王睿. 基于《PFI合同标准》的PFI合同结构研究[J]. 基建优化,2007, 28(6): 86-89 朱蕾*,杜静. 精益建设过程中持续流的应用研究[J]. 建筑管理现代化, 2006, 9:9-12
国际会议论文(* 通讯作者) Zhu, L.*, Sun, J.T., Xiong, H., and Du, J. (August 4-6, 2023). Research on Emergency Management Demands of Large-scale Building Construction Projects. 28th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (CRIOCM 2023), Southeast University, China Zhu, L.*, Zhang, L.N., and Zhu, G.F. (June 27-30, 2022). Identification of Critical Factors Influencing Students’ Engagement and Satisfaction of Online Live Learning in Higher Education. The 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC17), the National University of Singapore, Singapore, 10.1007/978-981-19-7331-4_30.
Zhu, L.* and Xiong, H. (June 27-30, 2022). Research on the Industry Acceptance and Promotion Path of Interim Payment in Civil Engineering Projects. The 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC17), the National University of Singapore, Singapore, 10.1007/978-981-19-7331-4_90. Jia, H.T., Zhu, L.* and Du. J. (June 27-30, 2022). Influence Mechanism of Farmers' Sense of Gain in Tourism-oriented Rural Infrastructure Construction and Operation. The 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC17), the National University of Singapore, Singapore, 10.1007/978-981-19-7331-4_87. Zhu, L.*,Du, J. and Ye, Q.W. (June 20, 2019). A science mapping approach-based overview of infrastructure externalities research. 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability – Cities (icRS Cities), the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, https://ssrn.com/abstract=3407225. Du, J. Wu, H.Y., and Zhu, L. (2-4 April 2018) “Research on the Mode and Benefit of Construction Enterprises Participating in PPP Projects.” 2018 Construction Research Congress (CRC 2018), Louisiana State University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*, Tan, J.S.H., Chi, S., and Shan, M. (5-7 June 2017). Project Management Strategies for Green Business Parks: Critical Success Factors, Barriers and Solutions.World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 (WSBE17), Hong Kong.
Hwang, B.G., Zhu, L.*,Ming, J.T.T., Krishnankutty, P., and Shan, M. (11-14 December 2016). Productivity Improvement Strategies for Green Construction Projects: Performance Comparison and Critical Factors. International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) 16 Seoul, South Korea.
Zhu, L.*,and Chua, D. K. H. (2013). Model for negotiation of refinancing gain from public-private partnership. Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2012, Taylor & Francis Group, London, Vienna, Austria, 710-717. (EI: 20124215578607)
专著 吴刚、欧晓星、李德智、朱蕾等(2022)“建筑碳排放计算”,中国建筑工业出版社(参编) 沈春霞、于杰、倪广春(2022)“文化产业建设项目投资管理与实践”,东南大学出版社(参编) |
软件著作权 东禾建筑碳排放计算分析软件 东禾建筑碳排放计算因子查询软件
2023年江苏省工程管理专业优秀毕业设计(论文)团体类一等奖,许昌花园10号楼招投标相关文件编制,江菲儿、熊瑶佳、何建桥(指导老师:朱蕾),江苏省土木建筑学会,2023年8月14日 特别奉献奖(2次),东南大学土木工程学院,2022年12月 & 2019年12月 第七届/第四届江苏省工程管理专业青年教师授课竞赛一等奖(2次),江苏省土木建筑学会,2021年11月(徐州)/2018年11月(无锡) 东南大学第28届青年教师授课竞赛提名奖,东南大学,2020年3月,南京 江苏省教学成果二等奖(省部级)、东南大学教学成果一等奖(校级),2021年
金宝桢奖教金,东南大学,2018年5月 第四届江苏省工程管理研究生学术论坛一等奖(叶倩雯),硕士研究生指导老师,江苏省土木建筑学会,2019年9月22日,南通大学 江苏省大学生工程管理创新、创业与实践竞赛三等奖,本科生指导老师,江苏省土木建筑学会,2019年11月,南京
第八届全国高校BIM毕业设计创新大赛(国家级竞赛)——H组智能建造与管理创新,三等奖(汪洋、韦存茜、李欣),优秀指导教师奖,中国高等教育学会等,2022年 绿色建筑项目管理研究的第二大积极贡献者(2nd Top Ranked Active Contributor to Green Building Project Management Research,Hwang Bon Gang,Zhu Lei,Low Sui Pheng,Shan Ming和Tay Wen Lin) “南京市“十四五”建筑业发展规划研究”课题获“南京市建筑产业现代化专项研究课题评审鉴定证书”,南京市建筑产业现代化推进工作领导小组办公室,2021年6月
新加坡国立大学研究奖学金,2011-2015 |
指导硕士研究生 2023级:郭新晨、薛雨清、孙可、周丽娟、程琛 2022级:孙金婷、胡乙璇、张天宇、谢海军 2021级:贾鸿涛.乡村基础设施促进城乡融合的作用机理及建设路径研究[D].2021 2020级:熊慧.大型复杂房屋建筑工程的突发事件应急管理方案研究[D].2020 2019级:张丽娜.乡村振兴战略背景下农村基础设施建设的绩效评价研究[D].2019 2018级:叶倩雯.公路基础设施外部效应形成机理及多维评价体系研究[D].2018 2018级:丁佳义.村镇基础设施建设中的利益冲突及其协调研究[D].2018 2018级:杨茜.村民参与村镇建设工程监督的行为及其仿真研究[D].2018
指导本科生毕业设计 2024年:任苒、陈光泽 2023年:江菲儿、熊瑶佳(土木学院优秀)、何建桥——卓越课题(校企联合毕业设计)、2023年江苏省工程管理专业优秀毕业设计(论文)团体类一等奖 2022年:张洪旭、张堃、李欣——卓越课题(校企联合毕业设计) 2021年:李梦媚、吕苗苗、陈钰欣、白啸宇 2020年:江超、王伟虎、 黄河 2019年:刘玮纯、彭祺予、陈静怡(土木学院优秀) 2018年:余金城、刘宇钊、帅志超