张 建




  1. 结构非接触式测量

  2. 大数据与人工智能

  3. 大型土木工程结构振动测试

  4. 智能传感与智慧城市













  1. Jian Zhang (张建)*; SL Guo; QQ Zhang, Mobile impact test data integrating for flexibility identification with only a single reference, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014.8.26,12(3): 1~12 (SCI/IF=5.786)

  2. Q Xia; Jian Zhang (张建)*; YD Tian; YF Zhang, Experimental study of thermal effects on a long span suspension bridge,ASCEJournal of Bridge Engineering, 2017.5, 22(7) (SCI/IF=1.476)

  3. Q Xia; YY Cheng; Jian Zhang (张建)*; FQ Zhu, In-service condition assessment of a long-span suspension bridge using temperature-induced strain data, ASCEJournal of Bridge Engineering, 2016.10, 22(3) (SCI/IF=1.476)

  4. Jian Zhang (张建); YY Cheng; Q Xia; ZS Wu, Change localization of a steel stringer bridge through long-gauge strain measurements, ASCEJournal of Bridge Engineering, 2016, 21(3): 1~11 (SCI/IF=1.476)

  5. Jian Zhang(张建); YD Tian; CQ Yang; BT Wu; X Zhang; LM Zhou; G Wu; ZS Wu, Vibration and deformation monitoring of a long-span rigid-frame bridge with distributed long-gauge sensors,ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2016, 30(2) (SCI/IF=1.107)

  6. Jian Zhang (张建)*; J Prader; KA Grimmelsman; FL Moon; EA Aktan; A Sayama, Experimental Vibration Analysis for Structural Identification of a Long Span Suspension Bridge, (ASCE) Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 139(6): 748~759 (SCI/IF=1.764)

  7. WJ Zhao; SL Guo; Y Zhou; Jian Zhang(张建)*, A quantum-Inspired genetic algorithm-based optimization method for mobile impact test data integration, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering , 2018, 33(5):411~422(SCI/IF=5.786)

  8. Jian Zhang (张建)*; CF Wan; T Sato, Advanced markov chain monte carlo approach for finite element calibration under uncertainty, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2013, 28(7):522~530(SCI/IF=5.786)

  9. YD Tian; Jian Zhang(张建)*; SS Yu; XY He, Human-excited Impact Testing and Identification of Footbridges using Computer Vision Technology, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering2018(SCI/IF=5.786)Online Published

  10. Futao Ni; Jian Zhang (张建)*; Zhiqiang Chen, Zernike-moment Measurement of Thin-crack Width in Images Enabled by Dual-scale Deep Learning, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (SCI/IF=5.786)(Online Published)

  11. Jian Zhang(张建)*; SL Guo; X Chen, Theory of un-scaled flexibility identification from output-only data, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2014.3.11, 48(1-2): 232~246(SCI/IF=4.116)

  12. Z Chen; ZP Xie; Jian Zhang(张建)*, Measurement of vehicle-bridge-interaction force using dynamic tire pressure monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 104: 370~383(SCI/IF=4.116)

  13. Jian Zhang (张建)*; Q Xia; YY Cheng; ZS Wu, Strain flexibility identification of bridges from long-gauge strain measurements, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 2015.6.1, 62(0): 272~283(SCI/IF=4.116)

  14. PJ Li; ZZ Zhang; Jian Zhang(张建)*; Simultaneously Identifying Displacement and Strain Flexibility Using Long-gauge Fiber Optic Sensors, Mechanical System and Signal Processing,2019, 114:54-67 (SCI/IF=4.116)

  15. YD Tian; Jian Zhang(张建)*; YX Han; Structural Scaling Factor Identification from Output-only Data by a Moving Mass Technique, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 2019,115:45-49 (SCI/IF=4.116)

  16. Jian Zhang(张建)*; T Sato; S Iai, Support vector regression for on-line health monitoring of large-scale structures, Structural Safety, 2006, 28(4): 392~406 (SCI/IF=2.990)

  17. Jian Zhang(张建)*; QQ Zhang; SL Guo; DW Xu; ZS Wu, Structural identification of short/middle span bridges by rapid impact testing: theory and verification, Smart materials and structures,2015, 24:1~12 (SCI/IF=2.909)

  18. Jian Zhang(张建)*; FL Moon, Novel structural flexibility identification in narrow frequency bands, Smart Materials and Structures, 2012, 21(12) (SCI/IF=2.909)

  19. Jian Zhang(张建)*; PJ Li; ZS Wu, A new flexibility-based damage index for structural damage detection, Smart Materials and Structures, 2013, 22(2):025037(SCI/IF=2.909)

  20. Jian Zhang(张建)*; FL Moon, A new impact testing method for efficient structural flexibility identification, Smart Materials and Structures, 2012.3.1, 21(21): 055~071(SCI/IF=2.909)

  21. YD Tian; PJ Li; Jian Zhang(张建)*, Ambient vibration test-based deflection prediction of a posttensioned concrete continuous box girder bridge, Structural Control & Health Monitoring , 2018, 25(2) (SCI/IF=2.355)

  22. QQ Zhang; Jian Zhang(张建)*; WH Duan; ZS Wu, Deflection distribution estimation of tied‐arch bridges using long‐gauge strain measurements, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2018, 25(3) (SCI/IF=2.355)

  23. Jian Zhang(张建)*; Sato T; S Iai, Novel support vector regression for structural system identification, Structural Control and Health Monitoring,2007.6, 14(4):609~626 (SCI/IF=2.355)

  24. Jian Zhang(张建)*; T Sato, Experimental verification of the support vector regression based structural identification method by using shaking table test data, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2008.6, 15(4): 505~517 (SCI/IF=2.355)

  25. Futao Ni; Jian Zhang(张建)*; Zhiqiang Chen, Pixel‐level crack delineation in images with convolutional feature fusion, Structural Control and Health Monitoring 2018,( SCI/IF=2.355)(Online Published)

  26. Jian Zhang(张建)*; SL Guo; ZS Wu; QQ Zhang, Structural identification and damage detection through long-gauge strain measurements, Engineering Structures, 2015, 99: 173~183(SCI/IF=2.258)

  27. YD Tian; Jian Zhang(张建)*; Q Xia; PJ Li, Flexibility identification and deflection prediction of a three-span concrete box girder bridge using impacting test data, Engineering Structures, 2017, 146: 158~169(SCI/IF=2.258)

  28. Jian Zhang (张建)*; JC Xu; SL Guo; ZS Wu, Flexibility-based structural damage detection with unknown mass for IASC-ASCE benchmark studies, Engineering Structures, 2013, 48: 486~496 (SCI/IF=2.258)

  29. SL Guo; X Zhang; Jian Zhang(张建)*; Y Zhou; F Moon; A Aktan, Mobile impact testing of a simply-supported steel stringer bridge with reference-free measurement, Engineering Structures, 2018.3, 159(15): 66~74(SCI/IF=2.258)

  30. Jian Zhang(张建)*; T Sato; S Iai; TC Hutchinson, A pattern recognition technique for structural identification using observed vibration signals: linear case studies, Engineering Structures, 2008,30(5): 1439~1446(SCI/IF=2.258)




先后入选国家青年****、交通部科技创新人才计划、江苏省双创人才计划、江苏省杰青项目、江苏省333中青年领军人才。获国家技术发明二等奖(排2)、江苏省科学技术一等奖2项(排26)、中国公路学会一等奖(排3)、日内瓦国际发明展金奖(排1)、Aftab Mufti奖章。
