国内学术组织 (1)世界交通运输大会“组合结构桥梁抗裂韧性”技术委员会主席 (2)中国建筑金属结构协会检测鉴定加固改造分会 常务委员 (3)中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会 理事 (4)中国建筑金属结构协会教育分会 委员
国内外期刊编委 (1)国际期刊《Alexandria Engineering Journal》(IF:6.8)Associate editor (2)国际期刊《Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials》(IF:1.8)Associate editor (3)国际期刊《International Journal of Structural Integrity》(IF:2.7)Editorial Board Member (4)国际期刊《Material Design & Processing Communications》 Editorial Board Member
国内外期刊客座编委 (1)国际期刊《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials》专辑 “Artificial intelligence assisted fatigue behavior prediction of engineering materials & structures” 客座主编 (2)国际期刊《Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities-ASCE》专辑“Computer-Aided Structural Integrity and Safety” 客座编委 (3)国际期刊《Structures》专辑“Performance-Based Engineering For More Sustainable And Smart Structures” 客座编委 (4)国际期刊《Materials》专辑“Failure Mechanisms and Fatigue Life Prediction of Engineering Structures” 客座编委