


  • 大跨度桥梁振动监测、评估与控制

  • 大跨度桥梁模态参数在线追踪及不确定性分析

  • 桥梁病害智能检测、评估与养护

  • 桥梁智能建造及风险源识别















1.       国家自然科学基金委, 青年项目, 基于数据融合的大跨度桥梁模态参数精准辨识和自动追踪研究, 2022.012024.12, 主持.

2.       中华人民共和国科学技术部, 国家重点研发计划课题, 缆索和锚固体系服役性能高效评估及长效保障技术研究, 2022.11  2025.10, 参与.

3.       中国科学技术协会, 第八届中国科协青年科技人才托举工程项目(科协资助), 大跨度桥梁阻尼特性辨识及演变机理研究, 2023.022026.01, 主持.

4.       高速铁路建造技术国家工程实验室开放课题, 高速铁路轨道-桥梁体系服役性能智能监测技术研究, 2021.012023.12, 主持.

5.       国家自然科学基金委员会, 优秀青年基金项目, 大跨度桥梁风效应及其监测, 2018.012020.12, 参与.

6.       江苏省科学技术厅, 重点研发计划产业前瞻与共性关键技术, 高铁连续梁桥施工智能监控关键技术研发, 2018.062021.09, 参与.

7.       江苏省交通运输科技与成果转化项目, 江苏省干线公路重点桥隧轻量化监测研究, 2022.042024.06, 参与.

8.       住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划项目, 城市桥梁建造风险智能监控关键技术研究及应用, 2020.012023.12, 参与.



1.       Jianxiao Mao, Xun Su, Hao Wang, Huan Yan, Hai Zong. (2023). Identification of closely spaced modes of a long-span suspension bridge based on Bayesian inference. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. (Accepted)

2.       Youhao Ni, Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Zhuo Xi. (2023). Toward high-precision crack detection in concrete bridges using deep learning. ASCE: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 37(3): 04023017.

3.       Han Zhang, Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Xiaojie Zhu, Yiming Zhang, Hui Gao, Youhao Ni, Hai Zong. (2022). A novel acceleration-based approach for monitoring the long-term displacement of bridge cables. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 23(5): 2350053.

4.       Jianxiao Mao, Chaoyong Yang, Hao Wang, Yiming Zhang, Huan Lu. (2022). Bayesian operational modal analysis with genetic optimization for structural health monitoring of the long-span bridge. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 22(05): 2250051.

5.       Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Billie F. Spencer Jr. (2021). Toward data anomaly detection for automated structural health monitoring: exploiting Generative Adversarial Nets and Autoencoders. Structural Health Monitoring, 20(4): 1609-1626.

6.       Hao Wang, Jianxiao Mao, Zidong Xu. (2020). Investigation of dynamic properties of a long-span cable-stayed bridge during typhoon events based on structural health monitoring. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 201: 104172.

7.       Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Jian Li. (2020). Bayesian FEM updating of a long-span suspension bridge utilizing hybrid Monte Carlo simulation and Kriging predictor. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 24(2): 569-579.

8.       Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Yichao Xu, Hang Li. (2020). Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of a Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge during Strong Typhoons. Advances in Bridge Engineering, 1(1): 1-19.

9.       Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Yuguang Fu, Billie F. Spencer Jr. (2019). Automated modal identification using principal component and cluster analysis: application to a long-span cable-stayed bridge. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26(10): e2430. 

10.    Hao Wang, Jianxiao Mao, & Billie F. Spencer Jr. (2019). A monitoring-based approach for evaluating dynamic responses of riding vehicle on long-span bridge under strong winds. Engineering Structures, 189: 35-47.

11.    Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Billie F. Spencer Jr. (2019). Gaussian mixture model for automated tracking of modal parameters of long-span bridge. Smart Structures and Systems, 24(2): 243-256.

12.    Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Dongming Feng, Tianyou Tao, Wenzhi Zheng. (2018). Investigation of dynamic properties of long-span cable-stayed bridges based on one-year monitoring data under normal operating condition. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(5): e2146.

13.    Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Jian Li. (2018). Fatigue reliability assessment of a long-span cable-stayed bridge based on one-year monitoring strain data. ASCE: Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(1): 05018015.

14.    Jianxiao Mao, Hao Wang, Zhixiang Xun, Zhongqin Zou. (2017). Variability analysis on modal parameters of Runyang Bridge during typhoon Masta. Smart Structures and Systems, 19(6): 653-663.

15.    Hao Wang, Jianxiao Mao, Jiahao Huang, Aiqun Li. (2016). Modal identification of Sutong Cable-stayed Bridge under typhoon Haikui using wavelet transform method. ASCE: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30(5): 04016001.

16.    茅建校, 桂桂, 王浩, 聂佳豪, 宗海, 何祥平. 台风下大跨度斜拉桥钢桥塔动力性能实测研究[J/OL]. 中国公路学报, 2023, 1-13. (在线刊出)

17.    茅建校, 桂桂, 王浩, 杨朝勇. 大跨度斜拉桥模态参数长期追踪及其变异性分析[J/OL]. 振动工程学报, 2022, 1-8. (在线刊出)

18.    茅建校, 庞振浩, 王浩, 王飞球. 桥梁车辆荷载识别的贝叶斯方法研究[J/OL]. 振动工程学报, 2022, 1-10. (在线刊出)

19.    杨朝勇, 茅建校, 王浩, 张一鸣. 贝叶斯方法在大跨度斜拉桥模态参数识别中的应用研究 [J]. 振动工程学报, 2022, 35(03): 691-698.

20.    茅建校, 王浩, 荀智翔. 大跨度斜拉桥模态参数识别时频方法对比研究[J]. 同济大学学报: 自然科学版, 2016, 44(7): 996-1001.


1.       茅建校, 杨朝勇, 宗海, 梁瑞军, 王浩. 一种基于交叉模态置信准则矩阵的桥梁模态参数智能更新方法, 国家发明专利, ZL 2021103319678.

2.       茅建校, 王浩, 倪有豪, 谢以顺. 一种基于多传感器数据融合的桥梁位移高精度测量方法, 国家发明专利, ZL 2020101361430.

3.       茅建校, 王浩, 王飞球, 朱克宏. 一种工程监测用高精度结构位移测量方法, 国家发明专利, ZL 2016109564032.

4.       王浩, 茅建校. 一种用于斜拉索减振控制的永磁式质量调谐阻尼装置, 国家发明专利, ZL 2014100131629.

5.       王浩, 茅建校. 一种用于桥梁结构减震控制的锁定装置, 国家发明专利, ZL 2013105046257.

6.       王浩, 茅建校, 卫俊岭, 谢以顺. 一种连续梁桥预制拼装施工的线形自动测量及控制方法, 国家发明专利, ZL 2020100910322.

7.       茅建校, 王浩, 苏迅, 杨朝勇. 大跨度桥梁贝叶斯运营模态在线分析软件, 软件著作权, 实审中.

  • 入选第八届中国科学技术协会青年人才托举工程

  • 入选2022年江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程

  • 中国公路学会科技进步一等奖(6/15),2021

  • 江苏省科技进步一等奖(10/11),2021

  • 中国振动工程学会科技进步一等奖(12/15),2020

  • 江苏省工程师学会科技进步一等奖(1/9),2022

  • 中国铁道学会科技进步二等奖(5/15),2015

  • 江苏省土木工程专业优秀博士毕业生2020

  • 江苏省高等学校土木工程学科吕志涛院士优秀研究生学位论文2020
