在International Journal of Solids and Structures,International Journal of Damage Mechanics,Composite Structures,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,International Journal of Space Structures,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,应用数学和力学,应用力学学报,固体力学学报等国内外核心学术刊物及重要学术会议上发表论文100余篇。 主要代表作有: Wang, Jichang; Guo, Xiaoming; Zhang, Nailong; Study of the progressive failure of concrete by phase field modeling and experiments, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAMAGE MECHANICS, 2021, 30(9):1377-1399. Wang, Jichang; Guo, Xiaoming; The meso-failure mechanism of lightweight concrete simulated by the phase field method, ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS, 2021, 38(10):3879-3903. Sun Xiaoxiao; Chen Xiangyu; Guo Xiaoming; A novel multi-level model for quasi-brittle cracking analysis with complex microstructure, Journal of Zhejiang University. Science A, Applied Physics & Engineering, 2022, 23(2):118-139. Jichang Wang; Leong Hien Poh; Xiaoming Guo; Mixed mode fracture of geometrically similar FRUHPC notched beams with the localizing gradient damage model, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 275:108843. Cui Jing,Guo Xiaoming,Zhan Yang,Pang Rui,An inverse analysis method to identify maximum overfire temperature based on an improved ant colony algorithm,JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING,2022:V59,DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2022.105104, Jichang Wang; Leong Hien Poh; Xiaoming Guo; Localizing gradient damage model based on a decomposition of elastic strain energy density, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 279:109032. Xiaoqiang Yan; Xiaoming Guo; Yifeng Gao; Yuan Lin; Nana Zhang; Qilin Zhao; Mode-II Fracture Toughness and Crack Propagation of Pultruded Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Composites, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 279:109042. Nana Zhang, Xiaoming Guo, Hao Wang , K.M. Liew, Anisotropic mechanical behavior and failure of foldcore structures of fibre-reinforced composites under impact loading,Composite Structures, 2024,346: 118456. Xiaoxiao Sun; Xiaoming Guo; Domain information transfer method and its application in quasi-brittle failure analysis, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 11(12). ZHANG NaiLong, GUO XiaoMing, ZHU BiBo and GUO Li,A mesoscale model based on Monte-Carlo method for concrete fracture behavior study,SCIENCE CHINA,Technological Sciences,December 2012 Vol.55 No.12: 3278-3284. Guo Xiaoming, Zhang Roulei and She Yinghe, On the Mathematical Modeling for Elastoplastic Contact Problem and its Solution by Quadratic Programming,Int. J. SOLIDS and STRUCTURES,Vol.38, Issues 45, Nov. 2001, 8133-8150.