[1] Yan, Z., Deng, X.(通讯), Ni, Y.-Q., and Sun, L., 2023, “Numerical Investigation of Elastic Layer Effects in Wheel–Rail Rolling Contact,” Lubricants, 11(10), p. 415. (JCRQ2) [2] Niu, L., Yang, F., Deng, X. (通讯), Zhang, P., Jing, G., Qiang, W., and Guo, Y., 2023, “An Assessment Method of Rail Corrugation Based on Wheel–Rail Vertical Force and Its Application for Rail Grinding,” J Civil Struct Health Monit. (JCRQ1) [3] Li, Z., Xu, L., and Deng, X., 2023, “An Improved Method for Slab Track-Soil Interaction Considering Soil Surface Deformation,” Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, pp. 1–24. (JCRQ1) [4] Yan, B., Pan, L., Xu, L., Deng, X., Li, W., Du, X., 2023, “Dynamic Performance Analysis of Floating Slab Track System Considering Flexible Wheelset,” Construction and Building Materials, 393, p. 132074. (JCRQ1) [5] Yuan, L., Ni, Y.-Q., Deng, X.-Y., and Hao, S., 2022, A-PINN: Auxiliary Physics Informed Neural Networks for Forward and Inverse Problems of Nonlinear Integro-Differential Equations, 4000235, Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY. (JCRQ1) [6] Deng, X., Ni, Y.-Q., and Liu, X., 2022, “Numerical Analysis of Transient Wheel-Rail Rolling/Slipping Contact Behaviors,” Journal of Tribology, 144(10), p. 101503. (JCRQ2) [7] Shen, C., Deng, X., Wei, Z., Dollevoet, R., Zoeteman, A., and Li, Z., 2021, “Comparisons between Beam and Continuum Models for Modelling Wheel-Rail Impact at a Singular Rail Surface Defect,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 198, p. 106400. (JCRQ1) [8] Yang, Z., Deng, X., and Li, Z., 2019, “Numerical Modeling of Dynamic Frictional Rolling Contact with an Explicit Finite Element Method,” Tribology international, 129, pp. 214–231. (JCRQ1) (JCRQ1) [9] Deng, X., Li, Z., Qian, Z., Zhai, W., Xiao, Q., and Dollevoet, R., 2019, “Pre-Cracking Development of Weld-Induced Squats Due to Plastic Deformation: Five-Year Field Monitoring and Numerical Analysis,” International Journal of Fatigue, 127, pp. 431–444. (JCRQ1) [10] Deng, X., Qian, Z., Li, Z., and Dollevoet, R., 2018, “Investigation of the Formation of Corrugation-Induced Rail Squats Based on Extensive Field Monitoring,” International Journal of Fatigue, 112, pp. 94–105. (JCRQ1) [11] Chen, X., Deng, X., and Xu, L., 2018, “A Three-Dimensional Dynamic Model for Railway Vehicle–Track Interactions,” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 13(7), p. 071006. (JCRQ1) [12] Deng, X., Qian, Z., Li, Z., and Dollevoet, R., 2017, “Applicability of Half-Space-Based Methods to Non-Conforming Elastic Normal Contact Problems,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 126, pp. 229–234. (JCRQ1) [13] Deng, X., Qian, Z., and Dollevoet, R., 2015, “Lagrangian Explicit Finite Element Modeling for Spin-Rolling Contact,” Journal of Tribology, 137(4), p. 041401. (JCRQ2) [14] Deng, X., Zhou, Y., and Luo., Y, 2023, “Numerical study on rail surface tension due to wheel-rail contact with application to head checks formation”. (Submitted to Tribology International, under review) (JCRQ1)