


  • Water sensitive cities/Sponge Cities

  • 生态修复

  • 污染物生态处理工程




  • 1999年7月 本科 印度MDS大学 生物科学.

  • 2001年7月 硕士 印度MDS大学 环境科学工程

  • 2006年6月 博士 印度MDS大学 环境科学工程

  • 2007年7月 SRF 武汉理工大学 环境科学工程

  • 2002年7月-2005年3月  印度MDS大学     助理教授

  • 2005年9月-2007年12月  武汉理工大学    高级研究人员(中印政府项目)

  • 2008年5月-2010年7月  武汉理工大学    博士后

  • 2010年9月-2013年9月  东南大学       博士后

  • 2012年9月-2013年2月  普渡大学土木学院  访问学者

  • 2013年3月至今      美国Global Inst. for Energy, Env. & Sustainability  兼职研究员

  • 2015年1月-2018年12月  东南大学土木工程学院市政工程系  副教授.

  • 2019年1月-至今     东南大学土木工程学院市政工程系   教授

  • 期刊客座编辑(Guest Editor): Bioresource Technology, International Biodeterioration and

  • Biodegradation, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, International Journal of Water

  • Resources Development, Water, Applied Sciences

  • 会议主席(Conference Chair): ICWRS-ICAFEE 2018

  • 期刊评审:Bioresource Technology, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation,

  • Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, Water, ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic

  • and Radioactive Waste, Desalination & Water Treatment, Ecological Engineering,

  • Environmental Technology, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, Water Science &

  • Technology,Water Resources Research, International Journal of Water Resources

  • Development, etc

  1. 国家自然科学基金委“ 外国青年学者基金”学科代码: E080402; 项目编号: 5151101102

  2. 国家自然科学基金委“ 外国青年学者基金”学科代码: E080402; 项目编号: 5161101492

  3. 典型重金属和药物在活性炭上的共吸附机制及强化去除方法(国家自然科学基金青年项目)(No. 51408119)2015年01月-2017年12月 (项目成员)

  4. 入湖河流水质强化改善关键技术与集成技术研发及工程示范(国家重大科技专项水体污染控制与治理专项) (No. 2012ZX07101-008)- 2012年11月-2015年12月 (项目成员)

  5. 潜流型人工湿地低温域脱氮的生态过程及功能强化(国家自然科学基金委)(No. L50909019)2010年01月-2012年12月 (项目成员)

  6. 武汉市淡水湖水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2008ZX07317-002-01-02)- 2008年05月-2010年07月 (项目成员)



  1. Operational performance and biofoulants in a dynamic membrane bioreactorRajendra Prasad Singh, Dafang Fu*, Jinhui Yang,Jianglei Xiong,Bioresource Technology, 2019, Vo1.282,156-162

  2. Enhanced crude oil depletion by constructed bacterial consortium comprising bioemulsifier producer andpetroleum hydrocarbon degraders,Mingqian Xia, Dafang Fu*, Romy Chakraborty, Rajendra Prasad Singh,Norman Terry,Bioresource Technoiogy, 2019, Vo1.282,456-463

  3. Purification of water contaminated with Hg using horizontal subsurface constructed wetlandsRajendra Prasad Singh, Jiaguo Wu, Dafang Fu*,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,DOI:10.1007/s11356-019-04260-9 Published: 2019-Feb-07(Epub 2019 Feb 07)

  4. Imhibition of methanogens decreased sulfadiazine removal and increased antibiotic resistance genedevelopment in microbial fuel cells,shuai Zhang,Hai-Liang Song, Xian Cao, Hua Li, Jianhua Guo, Xiao-Li Yang, Rajendra Prasad Singh, Shuai Liu,Bioresource Technology, 2019, Vo1.281,188-194

  5. Evaluation of TRMM precipitation dataset over Himalayan catchment: the upper Ganga basin, India,Anoop Kumar Shukla, CSP Ojha, Rajendra Prasad Singh*, Lalit Kumar, Dafang Fu*,WATER, 2019, Vo1.11, 613

  6. Objectives and indexes for implementation of sponge cities: a case study of Changzhou City, China,Zhengzhao Li, Mingjing Dong, Tony Wong, Jianbin Wang. Alagarasan Jagadeesh Kumar, Rajendra Prasad Singh*,WATER, 2019, Vol.10(5), 623

  7. Sediment in-situ bioremediation by immobilized microbial activated beads: Pilot-scale study,Dafang Fu, Rajendra Prasad Singh* Xinde Yang. C S P Ojha, Rao Y Surampalli, Alagarasan Jagadeesh Kumar,Journal of Emvironmental Management, 2018, Vol.226, 62-69

  8. Acelerated exploration for long-term urban water infrastructure planning through Machine learning,Zhang Junyu, Dafang Fu, Christian Urich, Rajendra Prasad Singh*,SUSTAINABILITY, 2018, Vol.10(12), 4600

  9. Investigation on the carbon sequestration capacity of vegetation along a heavy traffic load expressway,Dafang Fu, Bei Bu, Jiaguo Wu, Rajendra Prasad Singh*,Journal of Environmental Management, 2018. DOI:10.1016/jjenvman.2018.09.098

  10. Predicting low density polyethylene-air partition coefficients using theoretical linear solvation energy relationships,Tengyi Zhu, Mao Li, Jing Wu, Yajun Wang. Rajendra Prasad Singh*,Journal of Water Suppty Research and Technologv-AQU4.2018, Vol.67(8), 715-723

  11. Evaluation of various mercury forms in the urban road runoff sediments,Rajendra Prasad Singh, Dafang Fu*, Jiaguo Wu, Jagadeesh Kumar Alagarasan, Sina Alaghmand,Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, Vol 59, 295-303

  12. Performance of earthworm-enhanced horizontal sub-surface flow filter and constructed wetland,Rajendra Prasad Singh, Dafang Fu*, Jing Jia, Jiaguo Wu,WATER, 2018,Vol.10, 1309-1321

  13. Evaluating the effectiveness of ecological restoration of hard bank rivers: a case study from Shedu river port, China,Tang VanTai, Dafang Fu*, Rajendra Prasad Singh*, Eldon R. Rene, Ngoc Binh Tran, AK Sharma,Journal of Water Suppty Research and Technologv-AQU4.2018, Vol.67(8), 824-833

  14. An investigation on performance and structure of ecological revetment in a sub-tropical area: a case study on Cuatien River, Vinh City, Vietnam,Tang VanTai, Dafang Fu*, TranNgoc Binh, Eldon R. Rene, Tang ThiThanh Sang, Rajendra Prasad Singh*,WATER, 2018, Vol.10(5), 636

  15. Thermal study on extensive green roof integrated irrigation in northwestern arid regions of china,Yajun Wang. Rajendra Prasad Singh*, Dafang Fu*, Junyu Zhang. Fang Zhou,WATER, 2017, Vol. 9(11), 810

  16. Detailed sponge city planning based on hierarchical fuzzy decision-making: a case study on Yangchen lake,Junyu Zhang, Dafang Fu*, Yajun Wang, Rajendra Prasad Singh *,WATER, 2017, Vol. 9(11),903

  17. Comparison of physical- and chemical-activated Jatropha curcas husk carbon as an adsorbent for the adsorption of Reactive Red 2 from aqueous solution,Alagarasan Jagadeesh Kumar, Rajendra Prasad Singh*, Dafang Fu*, Chimnaiya Namasivayam,Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, Vo1.95, 308-318

  18. Study on mercury distribution and speciation in urban road runoff in Nanjing city, china,Rajendra Prasad Singh, Jiaguo Wu, Alagarasan Jagadeesh Kumar, Dafang Fu*,WATER, 2017, Vo1.9(10), 779

  19. Transformation impact of vertical revetment on the river water quality and its mechanism,Tang Van Tai, Rajendra Prasad Singh*, Dafang Fu*,Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, Vol.84, 111-122

  20. Low cost meso-porous carbon developed from Jatropha husk, a bio-diesel byproduct waste for adsorption of methylene blue,Alagarasan Jagadeesh Kumar, Rajendra Prasad Singh*, Dafang Fu*, Chinnaiya Namasivayam,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, Vol.26(10), 5723-5731

  21. Effect of alternate dry-wet patterns on the performance of bioretention units for nitrogen removal,Dingbing Wei, Rajendra Prasad Singh*, Jingwen Liu, Dafang Fu*,Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, Vol 59, 295-303


中印政府 MHRD India/CSC China Scholarship 2005
