Yang, Jie; Chen, Da; Gao, Kang; Machine Learning Aided Analysis, Design, and Additive Manufacturing of Functionally Graded Porous Composite Structures, Elsevier Ltd.,, 2023 (学术专著)
Zhang, Haowei; Gao, Kang*; Huang, Huiyin; Hou, Shitong; Li, Jun; Wu, Gang. Fully decouple convolutional network for damage detection of rebars in RC beams. Engineering Structures, 2023, 285.(IF:5.582, JCR Q1)
Zhou, Xiaoyi; Wang, Nengwei; Gao, Kang*; Natarajan, Sundararajan; Xiong, Wei; Jiang, Chao; Cai, Chunsheng. Bounds of mechanical properties of fibre reinforced polymer composites with hybrid random and interval uncertainties. Thin-Walled Structures,2023, 182, 110158. (IF:5.881, JCR Q1)
Gao, Kang; Minh, Do Duy; Chu, Sheng; Wu, Gang; Kim, H. Alicia; Featherston*, Carol A.; Robust topology optimization of structures under uncertain propagation of imprecise stochastic-based uncertain field, Thin-Walled Structures, 2022 (IF: 5.881, JCR Q1)
Gao, Kang; Huang, Qian; Kitipornchai, Sritawat; Yang, Jie* ; Nonlinear dynamic buckling of functionally graded porous beams, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2021, 28(4):418-429. (IF:3.338, JCR Q1)
Gao, Kang; Do, Duy Minh; Li, Ruilong; Kitipornchai, Sritawat; Yang, Jie*; Probabilistic stability analysis of functionally graded graphene reinforced porous beams, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 98 (IF:5.457, JCR Q1)
Gao, Kang; Li, Ruilong; Yang, Jie*; Dynamic characteristics of functionally graded porous beams with interval material properties, Engineering Structures, 2019, 197(IF:5.582, JCR Q1)
Gao, Kang; Gao, Wei*; Wu, Binhua; Song, Chongmin ; Nondeterministic dynamic stability assessment of Euler-Bernoulli beams using Chebyshev surrogate model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 66: 1-25 (IF:5.336, JCR Q1)
Gao, Kang*; Gao, Wei; Wu, Binhua; Wu, Di; Song, Chongmin ; Nonlinear primary resonance of functionally graded porous cylindrical shells using the method of multiple scales, Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 125: 281-293 (IF: 5.881, JCR Q1)
Wu, Binhua; Gao, Kang*; Feng, Jinpeng; Wu, Gang; Featherston, Carol A; Gao, Wei; Zhao, Weigang; Time-dependent non-linear buckling of 3D CFST arch structures with hybrid random interval uncertainties, Engineering Structures, 2023, 279: 115623 (IF:5.582, JCR Q1)
Feng, Jinpeng; Zhang, Haowei; Gao, Kang; Liao, Yuchen; Gao, Wei; Wu, Gang*; Efficient creep prediction of recycled aggregate concrete via machine learning algorithms, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 360: 129497 (IF:7.693, JCR Q1)
Do, Duy Minh; Gao, Kang; Yang, Wei; Li, Chun-Qing*; Hybrid uncertainty analysis of functionally graded plates via multiple-imprecise-random-field modelling of uncertain material properties, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 368: 0-113116 (IF:6.588, JCR Q1)
Dong, Youheng; Li, Xiangyu; Gao, Kang; Li, Yinghui; Yang, Jie*; Harmonic resonances of graphene-reinforced nonlinear cylindrical shells: effects of spinning motion and thermal environment, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 99(2): 981-1000 (IF:5.741, JCR Q1)
Lei, Yeui-Lung; Gao, Kang; Wang, Xinwei; Yang, Jie*; Dynamic behaviors of single-and multi-span functionally graded porous beams with flexible boundary constraints, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 83: 754-776 (IF:5.336, JCR Q1)