


Saina (Sena) ZHENG


  Department of Construction and Real Estate, School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University


  Date of birth: July, 1992


  Email: sena_zheng@seu.edu.cn


  Address: Rm1008, School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University

个人简介 Introduction


教育与工作经历Education and Work Experience




The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Building and Real Estate, Research Associate


Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Visiting Scholar


Chongqing University, Management Science and Engineering, School of Management Science and Real Estate, Master of Science


Chongqing University, Construction Management, School of Management Science and Real Estate, Bachelor of Science


Chongqing University, Hongshen Honors School (Top talents class)

主持的科研项目Funded Research Project







研究方向Research Interest


Building energy conservation, energy service, energy policy, Modular integrated construction

主讲课程 Teaching courses




代表性论文Selected publications

  1. Zheng, S., Wang, R. , Mak, T. M. W. , Hsu, S. C. , & Tsang, D. C. W. . (2020). How energy service companies moderate the impact of industrialization and urbanization on carbon emissions in china?. Science of The Total Environment, 751, 141610. (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 6.419)

  2. Zheng, S., He, C., Hsu, S.C., Sarkis, J. (2020). Corporate environmental performance prediction in China: An empirical study of energy service companies. Journal of Cleaner Production. 266, 121395. (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 7.491)

  3. Zheng, S., Alvarado, V., Xu, P., Leu, S.Y., Hsu, S.C. (2018). Exploring Spatial Patterns of Carbon Dioxide Emission Abatement via Energy Service Companies in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 137, 145-155. (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 7.589)

  4. Zheng, S., Lam, C.M., Hsu, S.C., Ren, J. (2018). Evaluating Efficiency of Energy Conservation Measures in Energy Service Companies in China. Energy Policy, 122, 580-591. (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 5.693)

  5. Wang, R, Lee C.J., Hsu, S.C., Zheng, S., Chen, J.H. (2020). Effects of Career Horizon and Corporate Governance in China’s Construction Industry: A Multilevel Study of Top Management Fraud. Journal of Management in Engineering. (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 2.867)

  6. Liu, G., Zheng, S., Xu, P., Zhuang, T. (2018). An ANP-SWOT Approach for ESCOs Industry strategies in Chinese Building Sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 93, 90-99. (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 12.348)

  7. Wang, R., Hsu, S.C, Zheng, S., Chen, J.H., Li, X. (2020). Renewable Energy Microgrids: Economic Evaluation and Decision Making for Government Policies. Applied Energy. 274, 115287 (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 9.086)

  8. Deng, X., Zheng, S., Xu, P., & Zhang, X. (2017). Study on dissipative structure of china’s building energy service industry system based on Brusselator model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 150, 112-122. (SCI, JCR Q1, 5-year IF: 7.491)

奖励与荣誉 Honors and awards

2019.12, 2019亚洲环保博览大使 (Ambassador of Eco-Expo Asia 2019)

2017.03, 香港理工大学CIB副主席 (Vice President of Hong Kong PolyU CIB student chapter)

2014.06, 重庆大学优秀毕业生 (Outstanding Graduate of CQU)

学术会议 Academic Conference

2019, Oral presentation, China’s new urban agenda, Manchester, UK

2018, Oral presentation, International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS), Beijing, China

2018, Oral presentation, Thousand Talents Plan with Tsinghua University, Central University of Finance and Economics, South China University of Technology, Shenzhen University

2016, Oral presentation, International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM), Edmonton, Canada

2016, Oral presentation, International Conference of Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management, Hong Kong, China

2016, Oral presentation, International Conference of Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management, Zhejiang, China

创新创业项目 Entrepreneurship experience                                                                     

2020, PolyU Lean LaunchPad Programme 2020: The development of S100A4 as a potent mucosal adjuvant to boost nasal vaccination against influenza

2017, 第四届新尚杯创新创业大赛一等

First Prize of the fourth “Xinshang” Entrepreneurship Competition: Automatic irrigation and vertical greening

2016, 国家级大学生创业训练项目

Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (SIETP): Social media platform for the interaction between companies and students