








吴畅,男,1986年生,湖北荆门人,工学博士。2016年于东南大学土木工程学院获工学博士学位,师从孟少平教授。读博期间,于2011年前往香港科技大学短期访问6个月,2012年获得国家留学基金委资助以国家公派联合培养博士研究生身份前往美国休斯顿大学访问学习一年。2016年博士毕业后加入香港科技大学土木环境系梁坚凝教授团队从事博士后工作。2019年入职东南大学土木工程学院。参与科研项目若干,包括国家自然科学基金(青年基金)项目3项、省部级项目1项、国家级重点实验室开放式基金项目1及横向项目若干。目前已在国内外高水平期刊及会议发表论文20余篇(含录用),其中在包括Cement and Concrete Research》、Cement and Concrete Composites》等中科院分区Top期刊在内的SCI收录论文11篇,并为土木工程领域多个主流期刊审稿人。




[1]Wu, C.*, Leung, C. K. Y., Li, V. C. Derivation of Crack Bridging Stresses in Engineered Cementitious Composites under Combined Opening and Shear Displacements [J]. Cement and Concrete Research. 2018, 107, 253–263.

[2]Wu, C., Pan, Z, Mo, Y., Li, M. and Meng, S.. Modeling of shear-critical reinforced engineered cementitious composites members under reversed cyclic loading [J]. Structural Concrete. 2018;19:1689–1701.

[3]Wu, C., Pan, Z., Su, R. K. L., Leung, C. K. Y., and Meng, S. Seismic behavior of steel reinforced ECC columns under constant axial loading and reversed cyclic lateral loading [J]. Materials and Structures, 2017, 50(1), 78.

[4]Wu, C., Pan, Z., Kim, K. and Meng, S.. Theoretical and Experimental Study of Effective Shear Stiffness of Reinforced ECC Columns [J]. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 2017, 11(4):585-597

[5]Wu, C., Pan, Z., and Meng, S. Cyclic constitutive model for strain-hardening cementitious composites [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2016, 68(22), 1133–1142.

[6]Jin, C., Wu, C.*, Feng, C., Zhang, Q., Shangguan, Z., Pan, Z., Meng, S. Mechanical Properties of High-Volume Fly Ash Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (HVFA-SHCC) for Structural Application. Materials, 2019, 12, 2607.

[7]Yao, J., Chen, Y., Wu, C.*, Leung, C. K. Y. A new model for calculating inclined single fiber bridging stress in Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites based on beam theory. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2019.

[8]Yu, J., Mishra, D., Wu, C., Leung, C. K. Y.. Very High Volume Fly Ash Green Concrete for Applications in India [J]. Waste Management and Research. Jun 2018, 36(6):520-526.

[9]Pan, Z., Wu, C., Liu, J., Wang, W., & Liu, J.. Study on mechanical properties of cost-effective polyvinyl alcohol engineered cementitious composites (PVA-ECC) [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 78, 397–404.

[10]Zhou, Z., Wu, C., Meng, S. and Wu, J. Mechanical analysis for prestressed concrete containment vessels under loss of coolant accident [J]. Computers and Concrete, 2014, 14(2), 127–143.

[11]Li, M., Luu, H., Wu, C., Mo, Y., & Hsu, T. (2014). Seismic performance of reinforced engineered cementitious composite shear walls [J]. Eathquakes and Structures, 2014, 7(5), 691–704.