


  讲座时间:     2013年5月25日 上午:9:00-11:00
                   2013年5月25日 下午:2:00-5:00
                   2013年5月26日 上午:9:00-11:00
  地  点:中山院 304教室










吴宇飞 教授简历:
  吴宇飞,1983年毕业于浙江大学土木工程学系、并于86年获硕士学位,1994年获新加坡国立大学土木工程硕士学位,2002年在澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)获博士学位。在中国、新加坡、和澳大利亚曾经长期从事职业结构工程设计超过10年,为澳大利亚和新西兰注册结构工程师。1989-1992曾任教于上海交通大学,现为香港城市大学土木及建筑工程系副教授和博士生导师。主要教学和研究领域包括:钢筋混凝土结构、结构设计、复合结构、FRP结构、结构加固等。近年来发表论文100 多篇,包括SCI检索期刊论文63篇。是若干结构新技术的唯一或第一发明人并拥有美国专利。
Dr Yufei Wu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at City University of Hong Kong. He received his BSc in 1983 and MSc in 1986 from Zhejiang University, China. Dr Wu received MEng in 1994 from National University of Singapore and completed his PhD in 2002 from the University of Adelaide, Australia. He has more than ten years of industrial working experience in structural engineering as a professional engineer in consulting firms in China, Singapore and Australia and is a chartered professional engineer of New Zealand and Australia (MIPENZ, MIEAust, CPEng). He worked in Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 1989 to 1992 as a lecturer. His teaching and research involve concrete structures, structural design, composite structures, FRP structures and structural rehabilitation. Dr Wu has published more than 100 technical works, including 63 SCI indexed journal papers. He is the sole or 1st named inventor of several new structural technologies with US patents.