

杨福俊,男,19681月生,东南大学土木工程学院工程力学系教师,教授、博士生导师,力学专业固体力学学科学术骨干。2001年获大连理工大学固体力学专业博士学位,2001年底至20042月为东南大学土木工程博士后流动站博士后,2002年底至2003年底新加坡国立大学机械系Research Engineer20043月起任职于东南大学工程力学系,20119-20129月美国匹兹堡大学医学院骨科系访问学者。201511-201611月新加坡科技与设计大学机械系客座教授。







ØShapemeasurement with modified phase-shift lateral shearing interferometryillumination and radial basis function, APPLIED OPTICS, 56(21):5954-5960  (2017)

ØStereo-digitalimage correlation in the behavior investigation of CFRP-steel composite members, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 23(6):727-736(2017)

ØAdual-frequency fringe projection three-dimensional shape measurement systemusing a DLP 3D projector, OPTICSCOMMUNICATIONS, 382: 294-301 (2017)

ØExtrinsiccalibration of a non-overlapping camera network based on close-rangephotogrammetry, APPLIED OPTICS, 55(23): 6363-6370(2016)

ØDeterminationof thickness uniformity of a transparent film based on in-plane ESPI and radialbasis function, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 369: 18-27 (2016)

ØVibrationmeasurement based on electronic speckle pattern interferometry and radial basisfunction, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 355: 33-43(2015)

ØNon-destructivestrain determination based on phase measurement and radial basis function, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 338: 348-358(2015 )

ØStrainfield estimation based on digital image correlation and radial basis function, OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 65:64-72(2015)

ØLoadcapacity evaluated from fracture initiation and onset of rapid propagation forcast iron by digital image correlation, OPTICS ANDLASERS IN ENGINEERING, 51(9): 1092-1101( 2013)

ØCalibrationof revolution axis for 360 deg surface measurement, APPLIED OPTICS, 52(22): 5440-5448(2013)

ØSingle-shotcolor fringe projection for three-dimensional shape measurement of objects withdiscontinuities, APPLIED OPTICS, 51(12):2062-2069 (2012)

ØFormationof monodisperse cross-linked nanospherial condensates based on flow-focusingand droplet diffusion techniques , COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,384(1-3): 53-57 (2011)

ØSinglefringe projection profilometry based on sinusoidal intensity normalization andsubpixel fitting, OPTICS AND LASERS INENGINEERING, 49(3): 465-472(2011)

ØTwo-stepphase-shifting fringe projection profilometry: intensity derivative approach,APPLIED OPTICS, 46(29): 7172-7178(2007)

ØCharacterizationof dynamic microgyroscopes by use of temporal digital image correlation, APPLIED OPTICS, 45(30): 7785-7790(2006)